Institutional Animal Care and Use - Mandated (Federal Regulatory Board)

  1. Committee Charge: To approve, require modifications in, or disapprove all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction as specified by both the federal regulations and local institutional policy; and to:
    1. Develop policy, procedures, and guidelines to protect animal subjects, including
    conducting program reviews at least once every six month;
    2. Provide prior reviews of research proposals;
    3. Monitor ongoing research as dictated by funding sources or other needs with respect to
    animal subjects' rights, including conducting animal facilities inspections at least once
    every six months;
    4. Provide advice to researchers on issues concerning the treatment of animal subjects;
    5. Investigate complaints that researchers have failed to obtain needed approval or have
    mistreated subjects;
    6. Suspend or terminate approval of research that is not being conducted in accordance
    with requirements, or that has been associated with serious harm to subjects;
    7. Keep written records of all reviews and decisions concerning reviews; and
    8. Submit reports and written recommendations to the President.
  2. IACUC will elect a chairperson.
  3. Term of office may be unlimited.
  4. Grants & Sponsored Projects Director will call the first meeting.
  5. Composition: IFO: Recommendations for appointments will be made to the Committee on Committees by the following Departments: Biology, Philosophy, Psychology; 1 Council of Administrators; Veterinarian/Community Member (1 Ex-Officio: Director of Grants & Sponsored Projects)

2013-2014 MEMBERSHIP

  • Biology: 1. Mark Garbrecht chair (10/15/14) 2. Amy Runck (10/15/14)
  • Philosophy: 1. Patrick Clipsham (10/15/14)
  • Psychology: 1. Richard Deyo (10/15/14) 2. John Holden (10/15/14)
  • Veterinarian: Randy Snell
  • Council of Administrators: Charla Miertschin
  • Community Member: vacant
  • Ex Officio: Director of Grants & Sponsored Projects: Nancy Peterson
  • Recorder: vacant

2012-2013 MEMBERSHIP

  • Biology: 1. Mark Garbrecht (10/15/13) 2. Amy Runck (10/15/13)
  • Philosophy: 1. David Speetzen (10/15/13)
  • Psychology: 1. Richard Deyo (10/15/13) 2. John Holden (10/15/13)
  • Veterinarian: Randy Snell
  • Council of Administrators: Charla Miertschin
  • Community Member: vacant
  • Director of Grants & Sponsored Projects: Nancy Peterson
  • Recorder: vacant