Policies and Procedures Task Force

An ASF-Special Initiative Award (SIA) proposal supported by the President and Cabinet recommends the establishment of a Policies and Procedures Task Force to accomplish the following:

A.  Charge:
      1. Review and refine the proposed definitions of WSU policies and procedures. 
      2. Refine the matrix and review WSU regulations to identify which are policies and which are procedures 
      and identify needed revisions.
      3. Review the proposed template format for policies and procedures and revise it accordingly.
      4. Conduct a preliminary review of which “regulations” require university-wide consideration and which are 
      constituency group specific.
      5. Identify those regulations that are office-specific policies and procedures.
      6. Develop an implementation plan.
B.  Administration will appoint a Chairperson.
C.  Task Force will remain in existence until all regulations have been updated according to the plan developed.
D.  Chairperson will call the first meeting.
E.  Composition:  3 IFO, 2 ASF, 1 AFSCME,1 MAPE, 1 MMA, 2 Council of Administrators, 2 Students (one graduate 
     student, if possible), (Ex-Officio:  Provost or Designee; Vice President for Student Life & Development or Designee, Director of Human Resources or Designee, Legal Analyst, Task Force Proposer )

2013-2014 MEMBERSHIP

3 IFO:   1. Rill Reuter, 2. vacant, 3. vacant
2 ASF:  1. Joel Traver; 2. Alex Kromminga
1 AFSCME:  1. Kathy Mahlke
1 MAPE:   1. Toby Schmidt
1 MMA: Patricia Bremer

2 Council of Administrators:  1. Scott Ellinghuysen; 2. Tom Bremer
2 Students: (one graduate student, if possible)  1. vacant; 2 vacant
5 Ex-Officio: Provost or Designee: Pat Rogers; Vice President for Student Life & Development or Designee, Karen Johnson; Director of Human Resources or Designee, Lori Reed;  Legal Analyst: Lori Mikl; Task Force Proposer: Nancy Kay Peterson