Chinese Studies Minor

Total required credits: 24

I.      Required Courses (12 credits)

CHIN 201 Intermediate Chinese 1 (4 S.H.) (Pre req CHIN 101 and 102)
CHIN 202 Intermediate Chinese II (4 S.H.) Pre req CHIN 101, 102, and 201)
GS 300 Contemporary China * (4 S.H.)

* Students seeking the minor should be advised to take the four-credit option in this course, requiring completion of an extra research project.

II.      Specialized Study in Chinese: Electives (9 S.H.) 

(other Chinese/ China-specific courses will be added to the list as they are developed):

CHIN 301 Advanced Chinese or equivalent (4 S.H.) (Pre-req CHIN 101-202)
HIST 343 Modern China (3 S.H.)    
ENG 221 Topics in World Literature- Women in Chinese Literature (3 S.H.)    
ENG 225 Topics in Literature- Changing Role of Women in Asian Literature (Focus on China)  (1-3 S.H.)
GS 345 Media, Popular Culture and Changing Chinese Society (4 S.H.)
GS 350 Cross Cultural Field Experience in Taiwan, Mainland China or Hong Kong (1-6 S.H.)*
GS 360 Contemporary Asian Issues (Oral Flag)  (Focus on China) (3 S.H.)
GS 400 Global Studies Seminar (Research on China) (3 S.H.)
GS 450 Global Studies Internship ( Internship in China, Hong Kong, or Taiwan) (1-3 S.H.)
GS 451 Global Studies Internship(Internship in China, Hong Kong, or Taiwan (3 S.H.)

III.            General Electives: 3 credits from the following choices

GEOG 223 Geography of the Orient (3 S.H.)
GS 250 Introduction to Asian Studies (3 S.H.)
GS 255 Peoples and Cultures of South and Southeast Asia (3 S.H.
GS 345 Media, Popular Culture and Changing Chinese Society (4)
HIST 123 East Asian Civilizations (3 S.H.)
ECON 430 Asian Economies in Transition (Focus on China) (3 S.H.)
MUS 115 Music of East and Southeast Asia  (3 S.H.)


IV. Students studying abroad at Tamkang University in Taiwan TKU), Hebei University of Technology in Mainland China (HUT), Hong Kong University in Hong Kong, and Soon  Chun Hyang University (SCH) in Korea may elect to apply up to twelve 12) credits (= 12 S.H.) toward their minor to satisfy the requirements of Sections II & III above with the consent of the WSU Chinese studies coordinator. The following is a list of course at TKU and HUT that can satisfy the requirements of the Chinese Minor at WSU. Other courses not listed in the list but offered at the above institutions will also be considered for the Minor by the Chinese Studies coordinator.


Language and Culture Module

(Chinese Mandarin Conversation (2 S.H.)
Chinese Reading and Writing  (2 S.H.)
Chinese Listening and Speaking  (4 S.H.)
Intercultural Communication (Chinese society or history)  (2 S.H.)
Chinese Film      (2 S.H.)
Chinese Kung fu & Taiji Boxing  (2 S.H.)
China's Tour Geography  (2 S.H.)
Basic Chinese History  (2.S.H.)


Business Module 

International Business for a Chinese Perspective (4 S.H.)
Introduction to Chinese Business Law  (4 S.H.)
Foreign Direct Investment in China (4 S.H.)
Production Management                        (4 S.H.)
Project Management                           (4 S.H.)
Management Communication                     (4 S.H.)

Students must receive a C or better in all courses used for the minor.