These are a few of the commonly asked questions regarding the search and hiring process.

A search committee should consist of at least three (3) individuals. Special attention should be taken to ensure that the committee members are diverse.​

The University advertises all unclassified probationary positions for a minimum of thirty (30) days and all fixed term positions for a minimum of twenty-one (21) days. Classified positions are advertised to the general public for a minimum of twenty-one (21) days.​ 

Although there are times when a search waiver may be an option, knowing who you want to hire is not a valid reason to waive a search.

Yes, in some situations this is permitted by the applicable bargaining agreement or University policy.

No. We cannot advertise a position at one rank and hire at another. If the other candidates were aware that we were willing to consider candidates at a higher rank, they may have applied and the applicant pool may have been substantially different.​

Yes. Search committee members are required to complete this training. Once a position has been approved and advertised, the search committee chair may contact Affirmative Action to schedule a training session.​

As a search committee member, you will have access to private personnel data and as such must safeguard this information. Maintaining confidentiality is a legal requirement as well as a professional courtesy. All information contained within applications and supporting materials are considered "personnel data" under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA).

Violations of data privacy can create legal institutional liability for Winona State and personal liability for search committee members. Please consult with the Director of Affirmative Action before releasing any information.​

Access is limited only to search committee members. Any individual who is not a search committee member may not have access to applications or search materials. Once an applicant becomes a finalist, certain information is available to non-search committee members. Please consult with the Director of Affirmative Action before releasing any information.​ 

There are four underutilized for which the campus has hiring goals depending on the position. These are:

  • women
  • minorities
  • persons with disabilities
  • veterans
For detailed information regarding the campus' goals, please see the 2018-2020 Affirmative Action Plan (PDF).