Overtime Information for Timesheets

Comp Time: C15 (time and a half)
Cash Overtime: OTR (time and a half)

AFSCME employees at WSU will be compensated at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) for overtime

Part-time employees whose established work day is less than eight (8) hours shall not be considered to be working overtime until having completed eight (8) hours of work.

Refer to Article 6, Section 2 of the contract.

Comp Time: CE1 (straight time) or C15 (time and a half)
Cash Overtime:  OT1 (straight time) or OTR (time and a half)

Factors to Consider

  1. Is the employee exempt or non-exempt?
    • All MAPE employees at WSU are non-exempt with the exception of those in the ITS 4 classification.
    • Exempt Employees=, receive straight time for hours worked in excess of 80 hours in a pay period.
    • Non-Exempt Employees=refer to question number 2 below.
  2. Has the employee worked (performed regular hours of work, not including any paid leave) more than 40 hours in the seven day work period? (Wednesday to Tuesday)
    • If no=Refer to question number 3 as overtime may or may not applicable.
    • If yes=Overtime is applicable at the rate of time and a half.
  3. Did the employee take any paid leave (sick, vacation, or holiday)?  
    • If no=overtime is not applicable.
    • If yes=Refer to question number 4 as overtime will be applicable, but it may be at the rate of time and a half or at straight time.
  4. Is the employee’s salary range max rate lower than the max rate of the 7L range? (Refer to MAPE contract Appendix F Comp Code column)
    • If yes=you count the paid leave as “hours worked” and overtime at the rate of time and a half is applicable.
    • If no=do not count paid leave as “hours worked”.  Add the hours actually worked in the top portion and the additional hours worked below.  Any hours over 40 would be at the rate of time and a half. If less than 40 the hours are paid at straight time.

For those classifications with salary range max rates equal to or greater than 7L do not count paid leaves as hours worked. (i.e. ITS 1, ITS 2, ITS 3)

Refer to Article 27, Sections 2 (Non-Exempt) and 3 (Exempt).

Comp Time: CE1 (straight time) or C15 (time and a half)
Cash Overtime: OT1 (straight time) or OTR (time and a half)

Factors to Consider

  1. Is the employee assigned to Progression Code 1 or 2? (Refer to MMA contract Appendix F Progression Code Column)
    • If 1=all hours worked in excess of 80 hours in a pay period are paid as straight time.
    • If 2=all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a week, including paid leaves, (sick, vacation, holiday and comp time), are paid at the rate of time and a half.

All MMA employees at WSU are assigned to Progression Code 1 with the exception of the following classifications:

  • Building Services Supervisor
  • Office Services Supervisor 1

Refer to Article 11, Section 1-C .

Comp Time: CE1 (straight time)
Cash Overtime: OT1 (straight time)

MNA employees at WSU will always be compensated at the rate of straight time for hours worked in excess of the normal work period. 

Refer to Article 4, Section 7 of the contract.