Interview Tips

If you want to make a good impression, read these quick tips. 
  • Bring a resume if you have not already provided one to the supervisor
  • Bring your class schedule
  • Be honest about your availability – e.g., don’t indicate that you are willing to work over significant breaks or the summer, if you’re not
  • Be honest about your abilities and experience
  • Turn your cell phone off during the interview
  • Do not bring a friend with you
  • Dress like you care about making a good impression

If you need help with a resume, the staff at Career Services is willing to help you create or revise your resume. 

On campus employers value students who are dependable, honest and willing to learn and ask questions. Most areas on campus rely heavily on student employees to help get the job done. If you remember to be honest and be yourself, you’ll make the best kind of impression.