Academic Affairs and Curriculum Committee

Minutes of May 3, 2000

Members present: Barbara Boseker, Karen Csajko, Helen Dachelet, Jeff Draskoci-Johnson, Shirley Eiken, Ruth Forsythe, Kelly Herold, Drake Hokanson, Joe Jackson, Dan Kauffman, Win Lewis, Peter Miene, Charla Miertschin, Randy Miller, Melanie Reap, Dominic Ricciotti, Robert Scheer, Cathy Schmidt, Greg Schmidt, Paul Schumacher, Richard Shields, Ed Slowik, Russ Smith, Jo Stejskal, Cathy Summa, Ed Thompson, Robin Tschumper

Guests present: Gary Kastello, Jean Leicester, Troy Paino, Frank Rocco, Stewart Shaw, Kerry Williams (University Studies Program Director), Alex Yard

I. Meeting called to order at 3:38 p.m. by chair Kelly Herold.

II. Adoption of Agenda

Additions: Additional Gen. Ed. substitution from Stephen Furlong.
B. Boseker/P. Miene, M/S, to approve agenda. Motion passed.

III. Approval of minutes of April 5, 2000.

Approval of minutes of April 19, 2000
P. Schumacher/B. Boseker, M/S, to approve. Motion passed.

IV. General Education Substitutions

A. Stephen Furlong - ID 125 God and the Human Condition (3 credits) from St. Mary's University of Winona for Different Cultures. E. Thompson/R. Shields, M/S, to disapprove. Motion passed.

B. Stephen Furlong - ID 175 Language Power and Abuse (3 credits) from St. Mary's University of Winona for Humanities. E. Thompson/P. Schumacher, M/S, to disapprove. Motion failed with a vote of 6-15. R. Smith/R. Miller, M/S, to approve. Motion passed..

C. Stephen Furlong - E 120 English Composition (3 credits) from St. Mary's University of Winona for English 111. R. Forsythe/J. Draskoci-Johnson, M/S, to approve. Motion passed.

D. Mohammad A. A. Khan - FLAN 100 Beginning Arabic (3 credits) from Winona State University for Humanities. E. Thompson/R. Miller, M/S, to approve. Motion passed.

E. Kristy L. Sheahan - STAT 305 Biometry (2.66 semester credits) from Winona State University for Natural Science. J. D-J/E. Thompson, M/S, to approve. Motion approved.

V. University Studies Program Subcommittee Report

The University Studies Subcommittee (USS) recommends approval of the University Studies Support Material dated April 27, 2000.

K. Williams reports that the introduction remains unchanged from the original approved on May 12, 2000. Section I. Governance Structure is in place and is functioning. Section III. Transfer Policy was primarily taken from the current WSU catalog.

R. Shields/S. Eiken, M/S, to add the language from the current catalog (p. 34, Approved Courses, Item B.) regarding additional requirements on p. 3 under II. Departments, Disciplines and Course Placement, item 4., as a friendly amendment. S. Motion passed.

E. Thompson/W. Lewis, M/S, to replace "A course may carry only one flag." with "A course may only carry one flag per 3 semester credits." on p. 4 under II. Departments, Disciplines and Course Placement, item 8., as a friendly amendment. K. Williams remarked that the subcommittee's discussed that restricting a course to one flag concentrates the objectives, whereas more than one flag would dilute the objectives. Courses should be focused on one objective - either oral, written, mathematic/statistics, or critical analysis. Motion passed.

D. Ricciotti/P. Schumacher, M/S, to replace "New courses submitted for inclusion in University Studies Program need not be submitted to the Course/Program Proposal Subcommittee of A2C2."with "New courses submitted for inclusion in the University Studies Program should be submitted to the University Studies Program Subcommittee rather than to the Course/Program Proposal Subcommittee of A2C2 where the proposals evaluated according to the same criteria." on p. 4 under IV. Course Approval Process, first paragraph. Motion passed.

E. Thompson/P. Schumacher, M/S, to replace the word "syllabus" with "course description" on p. 5 under IV. Course Approval Process, items1d. and 2c. Discussion centered around the terms syllabus, course outline, and course description and the implications of changing a syllabus due to different instructors. Motion passed with a vote of 14 - 8.

J. Draskoci-Johnson/R. Shields, M/S, to replace the word "syllabus" or "syllabi" with "course description" or "course descriptions" on p. 5 under IV. Course Approval Process, items1c, 1e, and 2b. Motion passed.

B. Boseker/R. Forsythe, M/S, to strike "5. A course may be approved to satisfy only one set of outcomes." on p. 3 under II. Departments, Disciplines and Course Placement. J. Draskoci-Johnson mentioned that currently that certain mathematics/statistics courses can fulfill both Basic Skills and Gen. Ed. requirements. It is understood that this sort of exception may still be made. D. Hokanson/R. Miller, M/S, to call the question. Motion passed. Motion failed.

C. Miertschin moved to allow that the two department rule be removed for only one of the areas under the Arts and Sciences core. Motion died for lack of a second.

R. Miller/P. Meine, M/S, to call the question. Motion passed with a vote of 18-3.

Motion passed with a vote of 17-6.

VI. Course/Curriculum Approval Subcommittee

1. New Course Proposals
Course Name Subcommittee Action A2C2 Action
SPED 407 Management Techniques for Severe Developmental Disabilities Approved 6-0-0 Approved
SPED 408 Functional Skills Development Approved 6-0-0 Approved
SPED 409 Medical Aspects of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Approved 6-0-0 Approved
SPED 431 Language/Sensory Stimulation Approved 6-0-0 Approved
NURS 401 Spirituality in Nursing Failed 1-5-0 Disapproved with a vote of 16-6-0.
NURS 425 Transcultural Issues in Health Care Approved 6-0-0 Approved
CE 432 Stress Management Approved 6-0-0
(must submit revised course syllabus; received by Chair)
HIST 101 Introduction to Law and Society Approved 6-0-0 as an elective and not as a requirement in the Law and Society major Approved

2. Program Revision (Department, Program - subcommittee action. A2C2 action)

A. Special Education, B.S. Major Special Education - Developmental Disabilities Licensure K-12 - Approved 6-0-0 with submission of corrected catalog copy. Corrections received. Approved.

B. Education, B.S. Major Elementary Education K-6/Middle School Science - Approved 6-0-0. Note that the Catalog Description should be amended to read "GEOS 130" and not "GEOS 105 OR 130 (4)" under General Education (35 S.H.), Item IV. Natural Science (11). Approved.

C. Health and Human Performance, B.A.S. Major in Allied Health - Motion (passed 5-0-1) from subcommittee to refer to full A2C2 committee for approval. R. Miller spoke that the HHP department is merely "sponsoring" this new program which came from a task force mandated by MnSCU. G. Kastello, Education, distributed a document explaining the degree and spoke to the history and implications of the B.A.S. degree. Much discussion ensued. R. Smith/J. Draskoci-Johnson, M/S, to call the question. Motion failed with a vote of 10-8. J. Stejskal/R. Tschumper, M/S, to approve the B.A.S. Major in Allied Health conceptually including the three assumptions on the last page of the document distributed by G. Kastello. P. Meine suggests dropping assumption #1, changing "64 s.h. at WSU" to "a minimum of 64 s.h. at WSU" under #2 and leaving #3 as written as a friendly amendment. Accepted. R. Shields/P. Schumacher, M/S, to remove Allied Health from the name of the degree. Motion withdrawn. A name change to Bachelor of Applied Science in Health Sciences was accepted as a freindly amendment. Motion passed.

VII. Policy 3-4

The ad hoc Policy 3-4 subcommittee recommends a revised Policy 3-4 for approval. Motion passed.


VIII. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 6:09 p.m.

Submitted by secretary,

Charla Miertschin