Academic Affairs and Curriculum Committee

Minutes of October 18, 2000


Members present: Beckry Abdel-Magid, Dan Bloom, Barbara Boseker, John Campbell, Helen Dachelet, Brant Deppa, Shirley Eiken, Ruth Forsythe, Kelly Herold, Drake Hokanson, Joe Jackson, John Johanson, Dan Kauffman, Fred Lee, E.M. Win Lewis, Charla Miertschin, Randy Miller, Robert Newberry, Melanie Reap, James Reidy, Dominic Ricciotti, Cathy Schmidt, Paul Schumacher, Ed Slowik, Kimberlee Snyder, Cathy Summa,

Guests present: Kerry Williams, Stewart Shaw


I. Meeting called to order at 3:37 p.m. by chair Kelly Herold.
    Next meeting is November 1, 2000.
    Future meetings will be held in the Maxwell 2nd floor conference room.


II. Adoption of Agenda
    Additions: VI. Points of Information - 2 handouts
    P. Schumacher/J. Jackson, M/S, to adopt agenda as amended. Motion passed.

III. Approval of October 4, 2000 minutes
    D. Kaufmann/C. Summa, M/S, to approve. Motion passed.


IV. Course/Program Proposal Subcommittee
    MUS 142-01 Winona Oratorio Chorus. Subcommittee recommends approval by a vote of 5 - 1- 1. Motion to approve course passed.


V. Gen. Ed. Substitution Requests

Megen Coyne - SPCH 3411 Small Group Processes (4 quarter credits) from University of Minnesota, Minneapolis for Basic Skills - Communication Studies. R. Miller/C. Summa, M/S, to approve substitution. Motion failed.


VI. Points of Information

Calendar Committee - Proposed Deadlines. Request feedback from departments before next meeting on November 7, 2000.

Sociology, Social Work, Criminal Justice & Geography - course name change of Sociology 150 from Human Society to Introduction to Sociology.


VII. University Studies Subcommittee (USS) Report

USS recommends approval of the following Basic Skills courses (all votes unanimous):

ENG 111 College Reading and Writing (4 SH)
CMST 191 Fundamentals of Speech Communication (3 SH)
HHP 204 Personal and Community Health (3 SH)
PER Activity Courses (all 1 SH)

112 Fold and Square Dance
116 Modern Dance
118 Jazz Dance I 
120 Ballroom Dance
122 Beginning Swimming
123 Swimming and Water Safety
128 Ballet I
134 Skiing136 
Tap Dance I 
137 Fencing 
141 Golf
144 Contemporary Activities

PER 239 Outdoor Pursuits (3SH)

Courses approved for University Studies Program.


Jeff Anderson is now the representative for Mathematics on the USS.


Reminder: Ten copies of USP proposals should be sent to Kerry Herold first.


IX. Meeting adjourned 4:00 p.m.
    S. Eiken/W. Lewis, M/S, to adjourn. Motion passed.


Submitted by secretary,
Charla Miertschin