Academic Affairs and Curriculum Committee
Minutes of September 19, 2001

Members present: Barbara Boseker, John Campbell, Shirley Eiken, Mary Fawcett, Andrew Ferstl, Ruth Forsythe, Yogesh Grover, Kelly Herold, Drake Hokanson, John Johanson, Dan Kauffman, James Kobolt, Kendall Larson, E.M. Win Lewis, Rich MacDonald, Charla Miertschin, Randy Miller, Melanie Reap, James Reidy, Edward Reilly, Monica Revak, Dominic Ricciotti, Paul Schumacher, Ed Slowik, Susanne Smith, Kim Snyder, Cathy Summa, Ed Thompson

Guests present: Kerry Williams

I. Meeting called to order at 3:35 p.m. by chair Kelly Herold.
    Next meeting is October 3, 2001.

II. Adoption of Agenda
    Two notification items were added under X.
    P. Schumacher/W. Lewis, M/S, to approve agenda as amended. Motion passed.

III. Elections

  1. A2C2 Chair C. Summa/B. Boseker, M/S, to nominate Charla Miertschin as A2C2 Chair. Motion passed. Congratulations Charla!
  2. Election of A2C2 Secretary There were no volunteers. Election postponed.

IV. Approval of May 2, 2001 minutes.
    Postponed until next meeting.

V. General Education Course Substitution Requests

VI. University Studies Subcommittee (USS) Report

K. Williams reported on the following points:

  1. Two members' terms have expired. P. Schumacher/Y. Grover, M/S, to approve the following USS members: Paul Johnson, English and Dan Kaufman, Business, both three year terms. Motion passed.
  2. Catalog year - Check on asterisked courses in your major and make sure that degree listings match the new USP guidelines. Note that Basic Skills, Unity & Diversity, and Flag courses may count in both major and USP, but Arts & Natural Sciences Core courses can not. Course proposals may still be submitted and are requested SOON!
  3. Flagged courses - Approval process began at the last USS meeting, 9/12. publishing a list in this catalog revision seems pointless; referral to a reliable web site may be an option; USS recommends that a list of USP-approved courses should not appear in the new catalog, but reference to a frequently updated web site should be given. Motion passed.
  4. University Studies Flag Course Approval - Can the USP recommend disapproval?
  5. Deadlines/time line - Departments need to submit flag course proposals SOON.
  6. Course syllabi should indicate the course meets USP requirements. Note that courses will be reviewed at some later time and this criterion will be taken into account.
  7. Procedure? Proposal to USS, then to web and USP also looked new courses.

R. Miller moved that the A2C2 Chair receive USP and new courses proposals then distribute to subcommittee. Motion withdrawn.

S. Eiken/P. Schumacher, M/S, that all new and USP course proposals be submitted on paper with 47 copies and then be distributed to appropriate subcommittee. Motion failed (4 - 10).

J. Campbell/P. Schumacher, M/S, that new courses be submitted to the Course/Program Proposal subcommittee and then to the USP if required. Motion passed.

VII. Dean Gow - revised Associate in Arts degree program
    S. Eiken/D. Ricciotti, M/S, to refer to Course/Program Proposal subcommittee. Motion passed.

VIII. VP Richardson - Transfer Curriculum
    No information at this point

IX. Election of Course & Program Proposal Subcommittee members
    Win Lewis volunteered to continue as Course & Program Proposal subcommittee chair. Thank you Win!
    Volunteers were sought for subcommittee members. Election postponed.

X. Points of Information and Notifications

XI. Old Business

  1. Regulation 3-4 needs to be updated and approved.
  2. A2C2 and University Studies Process was covered under X. above

P. Schumacher/J. Johanson, M/S, that Kelly Herold should be recognized for his service as A2C2 chair for the last three years. Motion passed with much applause and appreciation.

XII. Adjournment
    Chair adjourned meeting at 5:05 p.m.

Submitted by secretary,
Charla Miertschin