Academic Affairs and Curriculum Committee

Minutes of January 17, 2001

Members present: Rebecca Ambers, J. Lawrence Bergin, Barbara Boseker, David Bratt, Karen Csajko, Helen Dachelet, Brant Deppa, Shirley Eiken, Ruth Forsythe, Kelly Herold, Drake Hokanson, Joe Jackson, Lola Johnson, Dan Kauffman, Charla Miertschin, Randy Miller, Robert Newberry, Melanie Reap, James Reidy, Dominic Ricciotti, Cathy Schmidt, Paul Schumacher, Richard Shields, Ed Slowik, Kimberlee Snyder, Ed Thompson

Guests present: Kerry Williams, Steve Schwartz

I. Meeting called to order at 3:34 p.m. by chair Kelly Herold. Next meeting is February 14, 2001.

II. Adoption of Agenda
    P. Schumacher/R. Shields, M/S, to adopt agenda. Motion passed.

III. Approval of December 6, 2000 minutes
    P. Schumacher/D. Hokanson, M/S, to approve. Motion passed.

IV. Gen Ed Substitution e-mail to WSU Community
    This message, which details the substitution policy, will be sent tomorrow by Chair Herold.

V. Gen. Ed. Substitution Requests

  1. Melissa Holst - SPED 400 Education of Exceptional Child/Youth (3 S.H.) from Winona State University for Different Cultures. D. Hokanson/ B. Boseker, M/S, to approve substitution request. P. Schumacher offered an amendment to include the request of Shannon Hanson to the motion. Amendment was accepted as friendly. Motion passed.
  2. Shannon Hanson - SPED 400 Exceptional Child (3 S.H.) from Winona State University for Different Cultures. Approved. (See A above)
  3. Sarah Nelson - BIO 171 Medical Terminology A (1 S.H.) from Winona State University for Natural Science. E. Thompson/C. Miertschin, M/S, to disapprove substitution request. Motion failed. R. Miller/L. Bergin, M/S, to approve substitution. Motion passed.
  4. Denise Bruesewitz - ENG 633 A Survey of Pre-Modern Japanese Literature (4 Q.H.) from University of Denver for Different Cultures. R. Shields/R. Miller, M/S, to approve substitution. Motion passed.

VI. Course/Program Proposal Subcommittee
    Committee recommends approval of the following. The votes were 7-0-1 for all.

  1. Program Proposals & Revisions
  2. Course Proposals & Revisions

    Programs and courses were approved by A2C2.

VII. University Studies Subcommittee (USS) Report

USS recommends approval of ENG 222 Introduction to Creative Writing as a new course and for Humanities credit in the existing general education program. Course approved by A2C2.

USS recommends approval of the following courses (all votes unanimous):

Basic Skills - Mathematics

MATH 100 Survey of Math (3 SH) MATH 150 Math for Earth and Life Sciences I (3 SH)
MATH 110 Finite Mathematics (3 SH) MATH 155 Math for Earth and Life Sciences II (3 SH)
MATH 120 Precalculus (4 SH) MATH 160 Calculus I (4SH)
MATH 130 Matrix Algebra (3 SH) MATH 165 Calculus II (4SH)
MATH 140 Applied Calculus (3 SH) STAT 110 Fundamentals of Statistics (3 SH)

Arts & Sciences Core - Humanities (all 3 SH)

ART 109 Introduction to Art HIST 121 Western Civilization 1500-1815
ART 221 Art History I HIST 122 Western Civilization 1815-Present
ART 222 Art History II HIST 150 US History to 1865
ART 224 American Art HIST 151 US History Since 1865
CMST 261 Public Speaking THAD 119 Play Reading
CMST 283 Intro. to Rhetorical Studies THAD 210 Theatre History & Dramatic Literature I
HIST 120 Western Civilization to 1500

Arts & Sciences Core - Social Sciences (all 3 SH)

SOC 150 Human Society CMST 282 Intro. to Communication Studies
SOC 205 Social Interaction CMST 287 Conflict and Communication
SOC 212 The Family

Arts & Sciences Core - Natural Sciences

PHYS 200 Fundamentals of Aviation (3 SH) GEO 110 Intro. to Oceanography (3 or 4 SH)
GEO 100 Minnesota's rocks and Waters (3 SH) GEO 120 Dynamic Earth (4 SH)
GEO 105 Astronomy (3 or 4 SH) GEO 130 Earth and Life Through Time (4 SH)

Arts & Sciences Core - Fine & Performing Arts (all 3 SH)

THAD 111 What is Theatre? ART 118 Drawing I
THAD 115 Dance Appreciation ART 120 Intro. to Ceramics
THAD 131 Performance I for Everyone ART 128 Intro. to Sculpture
THAD 141 Oral Interpretation ART 130 Intro. to Printmaking
ART 115 3-D Design ENG 222 Intro. to Creative Writing
ART 114 2-D Design

All courses were approved for University Studies Program.

USS meets next Wednesday (1/24) at 2:00 p.m. for previous course proposals revised and some Unity and Diversity courses.

The following were postponed since course proposals have not appeared on the web.

Arts & Sciences Core - Fine & Performing Arts

MUS 111 Film Music: Art Behind the Scenes (3 SH) MUS 243 Concert Choir (1SH)
MUS 141 World Music Ensemble (1SH) MUS 320 Music for Elementary Teachers (3 SH)
MUS 242 Orchestra (1SH)

A concern exists for the number of available seats in Fine & Performing Arts courses for next year. An estimate of 700-750 seats per semester needed overwhelms the estimated 350 seats available based on the courses submitted to date. Numbers of courses, space, faculty resources may be problems. No action taken.

Reminders: 10 copies + original. Also note clearly if submission is a revision.

VIII. New Business

IX. Adjournment
    P. Schumacher/B. Boseker, M/S, to adjourn. Motion passed and meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m.

Submitted by secretary Charla Miertschin