Academic Affairs and Curriculum Committee

Minutes of March 21, 2001

Members present: Rebecca Ambers, Larry Bergin, Barbara Boseker, John Campbell, Karen Csajko, Ruth Forsythe, Kelly Herold, John Johanson, Dan Kauffman, E.M. Win Lewis, Charla Miertschin, Randy Miller, Robert Newberry, Robert Scheer, Cathy Schmidt, Paul Schumacher, Richard Shields, Ed Slowik, Kimberlee Snyder, Ron Stevens, Ed Thompson, Penny Warner

Guests present: Kerry Williams

I. Meeting called to order at 3:39 p.m. by chair Kelly Herold. Next meeting is April 4, 2001.

II. Adoption of Agenda
    P. Schumacher/J. Johanson, M/S, to adopt agenda. Motion passed.

III. Approval of February 28, 2001 minutes
    Text of recommendation to VP Richardson by J. Campbell added to item VIII. C.
    R. Miller/P. Schumacher, M/S, to approve as amended. Motion passed.

IV. Gen. Ed. Substitution Requests

  1. Erin Boutwell - SPED 400 Education of Exceptional Children and Youth (3 SH) from Winona State University for Different Culture. P. Schumacher/W. Lewis, M/S, to approve. Motion passed.
  2. Jason Baumgartner - BIO 415 Ecology of Large Rivers (4 SH, only 1.34 SH needed) from Winona State University for Basic Skills - English. E. Thompson/W. Lewis, M/S, to disapprove the substitution. Motion failed. R. Shields/R. Newberry, M/S, to approve substitution. Motion passed.

V. Course/Program Proposal Subcommittee
    Committee recommends approval of the following new or revised course proposals.

Course Subcommittee vote A2C2 action
CHEM 360 Chemical Information 7-0-0 Passed
SOCW 390 Social work Research: Process & Skills 7-0-0 + corrected paperwork/received Passed
ENGR 103 Understanding Engineering tabled

VI. University Studies Subcommittee (USS) Report
    USS recommends approval of the following as new courses (all votes unanimous):

New courses were approved by A2C2.

USS recommends approval of the following courses (all votes unanimous):

Arts & Sciences Core - Humanities

Arts & Sciences Core - Natural Sciences

Arts & Sciences Core - Social Science

Arts & Sciences Core - Fine & Performing Arts

Unity & Diversity - Science and Social Policy

Unity & Diversity - Global Perspectives

Unity & Diversity - Multicultural Perspective

Courses were approved by A2C2 for University Studies Program.

USS recommends disapproval of the following course:

Unity & Diversity - Multicultural Perspective

A2C2 affirms the recommendation of the USS.

Flag courses: Submissions are slowly coming in. Flags will not affect new students, but transfer students will be held accountable for flags. USS has considered recommending that the implementation of flag course requirements be postponed until the Fall of 2002.
R. Newberry moved to adhere to the original the deadlines. Motion had no second.
The USS was asked by Chair Herold to come up with possibilities on how to deal with this issue.

VII. Points of Information

  1. Theatre and Dance - Theatre major: Change the requirement of "THAD 307 Design II" to "THAD 307 Design II Scenery or Costumes or THAD 309 Design II Lighting & Sound."

VIII. Old Business

                    J. Campbell withdrew motion.

IX. Adjournment - Chair Herold adjourned meeting at 4:50 p.m.

Submitted by secretary,
Charla Miertschin