Academic Affairs and Curriculum Committee

Minutes of April 18, 2001

Members present: Rebecca Ambers, Barbara Boseker, Karen Csajko, Brant Deppa, Shirley Eiken, Ruth Forsythe, Kelly Herold, Drake Hokanson, Joe Jackson, John Johanson, Lola Johnson, Dan Kauffman, E.M. Win Lewis, Charla Miertschin, Melanie Reap, James Reidy, Dom Ricciotti, Rob Scheer, Cathy Schmidt, Richard Shields, Ed Slowik, Ron Stevens, Ed Thompson

Guests present: Stewart Shaw, Kerry Williams

I. Meeting called to order at 3:34 p.m. by chair Kelly Herold. Next meeting is May 2, 2001.

II. Adoption of Agenda
    R. Shields/E. Thompson, M/S, to adopt agenda. Motion passed.

III. Approval of April 4, 2001 minutes
    Add "Motion passed." to Item V. C.
    Delete "(all votes unanimous)" from V. A.
    R. Shields/D. Kauffman, M/S, to approve as amended. Motion passed.
           (It was later noticed that WS 373 Feminist Theory/Process should not have appeared under V. A. for A2C2


IV. General Education Substitution Requests

  1. Stephanie Nichols - ATID 410 Dress in World Cultures (3 SH) from North Dakota State University for Different Culture. W. Lewis/R. Ambers, M/S, to approve substitution. Motion passed.
  2. Katherine Smith - EFN 499 Human Differences/Intergroup Relations (3 SH) from University of Wisconsin-La Crosse for Different Culture. R. Stevens/E. Thompson, M/S, to approve substitution. Motion passed. It was noted that Katherine presented her case well.

V. Course/Program Proposal Subcommittee

  1. Committee recommends approval of the following new or revised course proposals.
Course Subcommittee vote A2C2 action
PER 280 psychology of Physical Activities 6-0-2 + corrected paperwork/received Passed
PER 402 Organization & Administration of Physical Education 6-0-2 + corrected paperwork/received Passed
NURS 423 Role Development III 8-0-0 + corrected paperwork/received Passed
NURS 433 Role Development III Seminar 8-0-0 + corrected paperwork/received Passed
NURS 474 Role Development IV 8-0-0 + corrected paperwork/received Passed
NURS 484 Role Development IV Seminar 8-0-0 + corrected paperwork/received Passed

    B.    Committee recommends approval of the following new or revised program proposals.

Department - Program Subcommittee vote A2C2 action
Physical Education and Recreation - Coaching Minor 7-0-1 Passed
Nursing - B.S. Nursing 7-0-0 Passed

VI. University Studies Subcommittee (USS) Report

  1. USS recommends approval of the following courses:

    Arts & Sciences Core - Humanities

    Unity & Diversity - Critical Analysis

    Unity & Diversity - Science and Social Policy

    Unity & Diversity - Global Perspectives

    Unity & Diversity - Multicultural Perspective

    Unity & Diversity - Contemporary Citizenship

Courses were approved by A2C2 for University Studies Program.

One more USS meeting on April 25, 2001.

VII. Points of Information

  1. Geoscience - Revision of degree requirements for Geoscience majors and minors to require that majors and minors earn a grade of C or better in all Geoscience courses numbered 240 and above.
  2. Physics - The following are one-time course offerings: PHYS 205 Aviation Airspace, Communications, PHYS 140 Energy, and PHYS 340 Modern Physics.

VIII. Old Business

IX. Adjournment
    W. Lewis/D. Hokanson, M/S, to adjourn. Motion passed.

Submitted by secretary,
Charla Miertschin