Academic Affairs and Curriculum Committee
Meeting Minutes of September
10, 2003

Susan Ballard, John Campbell, Gretchen Cohenour, Andy Forstl, Amy Hermodson, Paul Johnson, Dan Kauffman, James Kobolt, Fred Lee, Rich MacDonald, Becky McConnell, Charla Miertschin, Randy Miller, Pat Paulson, Joyce Quella, Alicia Reed, James Reidy, Susan Selkow, Ed Slowik, Cathy Summa, Ed Thompson


I.    Call to order & welcome-The meeting was called to order at 3:35pm by Charla Miertschin


II.   Adoption of agenda.  Adopted by consensus


III.  Elections

      A.    Chair - nom/sec by Thompson/Summa, to nominate Charla Miertschin.  Passed.

      B.    Secretary -  Pat Paulson "volunteered" to be secretary.  


IV.   Approval of minutes of April 16, 2003. (available at

        m/s Kauffman/MacDonald, motion passed.


V.    Chair’s report

      A.    Review of policies

            1.    CPPS - original + 11 copies and e-copy* sent to A2C2 chair

            2.    USS - original + 10 copies sent to A2C2 chair and e-copy* sent to Kathy Schott

            3.    Notifications - original + 1 copy sent to A2C2 chair

                  *An .html e-copy or link is preferred.  Word documents will be tolerated.

        A2C2 web site will be updated to include a link to previously approved CPPS courses per Cathy Summa request.


VI.   Committee Assignments

      A.    Course and Program Proposal Subcommittee (CPPS) - two representatives from each college.

            1.    Business    ____tba____________     _______________

            2.    Education   __Roger Riley______________   _______________

            3.    Liberal Arts__Fred Lee______________      ___John Campbell____

            4.    Nursing & Health Science_____Phil Apicelli______Linda Smith__

            5.    Science & Engineering   __Ed Thompson____ __Bob Kopitzke

            1st meeting date:  October 1, 2003, 3:30pm

        New material for cpps must be to A2C2 chair one week before subcommittee meeting.
        Chair for first meeting tba…

        m/s Summa/Ballard, to approve members listed above.  Motion passed.


      B.    University Studies Subcommittee (USS)

            1.    English     _Chris Buttram_____________ (to fill remaining year of J. Paul Johnson’s term)

            2.    Communication Studies   _Rita Rahoi-Gilchrest________ (to replace Dan Lintin)

            3.    Nursing & Health Science      ________________(to replace Randy Miller)

            4.    Education   ________________(to replace Melanie Reap)

            1st meeting date: September 17, 2003 at 3:30pm

        m/s summa/Kauffman, approve subcommittee members listed above.


VII.  General Education substitution

      A.    Kelly Slattery - ENG 226 Topic: Film Reviewing (2 SH) from WSU for Humanities. m/s Quella/Kaufman to disapprove.  Motion passed.


VIII. University Studies Subcommittee report, J. Paul Johnson-


      A.    Updates:  Paul distributed sheet with member and contact info and some committee business.

                Discussed how to make sure students can easily find the USP course info that they need.  Notice in catalog that official listing is on the Registrar’s web page?

      B.    US course substitutions - will be working on process


IX.   Notifications, announced

      A.    Biology

            1.    Course title, description, credit hour change - BIOL 499

                  old: Student Research (3 SH)           new: Capstone Project (variable 1-3 SH).

                  new description: An opportunity for an advanced student to work under the direction of a faculty member on a significant scholarly activity that brings together a wide array of the student’s undergraduate education.  This activity will culminate in a scholarly manuscript of a quality consistent with tat of a college graduate.  Typical projects may include but are not limited to research, computer modeling, meta data analysis, or scholarly reviews.  Prerequisite: BIOL 308, BIOL 310, BIOL 312, and instructor’s permission.  Offered each semester.  May be repeated to a total of 3 SH.

           2. Course title change - BIOL 104   postponed  

                old: Conservation of the Environment

                new: Environmental Science and Conservation.

      B.    Chemistry - one-time course offering: CHEM 380 NMR Applications (1 SH), Spring 2004.


X.    Old Business

      A.    Ad hoc repeated course committee - Dan Rand, Dan Lintin, Kerry Williams, Larry Bergin

                  Continue?                  New members?

        Appears to be no burning desire to continue this work.  Appreciation was expressed for the work already done.


XI.   New Business

       A.    Calendar Committee formation-chair brought up the idea [suggested last year] of creating a committee to propose a calendar, and related the confusing situation that occurred last year.  A2C2 is charged with making a recommendation on the academic calendar to senate.  Thus, a calendar committee appears to be appropriate.  Cathy Summa reports that it appears the calendar is not fully approved yet.  m/s Kauffman/Summa to form a calendar committee.  Motion passed.

Members will be announced.  Chair will research past committee structures.

m/s Summa/Thompson to have chair and Kauffman draft committee charge.  Motion passed.


 XII.  Adjournment was adjourned at 4:34pm by Chair Charla Miertschin