Academic Affairs and Curriculum Committee
Meeting Minutes of October
8, 2003

Attendees:  Susan Ballard, Barbara Boseker, David Bratt, Chris Buttram, John Campbell, Andy Ferstl, Amy Hermodson, Dan Kauffman, James Kobolt, Fred Lee, Rich MacDonald, Charla Miertschin, Celeste Miller, Pat Paulson, Anne Plummer, Joyce Quella, Alicia Reed, James Reidy, Paul Schumacher, Ed Slowik, Russ Smith, Cathy Summa, Ed Thompson

Guest:  J. Paul Johnson

I.              Call to order & welcome:  The meeting was called to order at 3:35pm by Chair Charla Miertschin

II.           Adoption of agenda, adopted by consensus.

III.         Approval of minutes of September 24, 2003. (available at  Schumacher/Quella, m/s, to approve.  Motion passed.

 IV.        Chair’s report

 A.     Department representatives-still need to have 2 departments submit members.
 B.     Catalog *’s – clarification. When *’s are used in the catalog will be addressed in an email to be sent by Chair Charla Miertschin.

V.           Committee Assignments

A.      Course and Program Proposal Subcommittee (CPPS) - two representatives from each college.
    1.      Business:  Bill Murphy                  ______________
    2.      Education:  Roger Riley, Celeste Miller
    3.      Liberal Arts:  Fred Lee, John Campbell
    4.      Nursing & Health Science:  Linda Smith, Phil Appicelli
    5.      Science & Engineering:  Bob Kopitzke, Ed Thompson
   1st meeting date: October 15, 2003 convened by Roger Riley

B.      University Studies Subcommittee (USS)
    1.      English:    Chris Buttram
    2.      Communication Studies:    Rita Rahoi-Gilchrest
    3.      Nursing & Health Science   Linda Seppanen  Boseker/Schumacher, m/s, to approve.  Motion passed.
    4.      Education:  ___________ 

VI.        General Education substitution

A.      Nathan Golenzer - 920 020 Introduction to Decision Techniques (3 SH) from University of Northern Iowa for Allied Studies.Kauffman/Thompson, m/s, to approve. Motion passed.

 VII.      University Studies Subcommittee report, J. Paul Johnson provided a report. 

 A.     USP Course substitutions - Discussion related to requiring dept comment on requests for US course substitutions.  Thompson/Reidy, ms/, to table guidelines and form for US course substitution.  Motion passed.

 B.     Course Requirements
    1.      Arts & Science Core: Humanities
                     CHIN 101 Beginning Chinese I (4 SH)
                     CHIN 102 Beginning Chinese II (4 SH)
                     JPN 102 Beginning Japanese II (4 SH)
    2.      Unity & Diversity: Global Perspectives
                     GS 250 Introduction to Asia (3 SH)
C.      Flag Courses
    1.      Writing
                     BIOL 445 Immunology
                     CMST 371 Discussion and Small Group Dynamics (3 SH)
                     POLS 450 Feminist Political Theory (3 SH)
                     SOC 407 Offender Assessment and Management (3 SH)
                     POLS 347 Intl Organizations (3SH) 

A2C2 approved the USP courses above.

VIII.   Notifications

 A.     Biology - course title change - BIOL 104, old: Conservation of the Environment, new: Environmental Science and Conservation.postponed, signed copy not available.
B.      Geoscience
    1.      GEOS 240 - course title and prerequisite change
                     Old: Hydrogeology; prereq. GEOS 130, New: Watershed Science; prereq. Any 100-level Geoscience course OR permission of instructor.
    2.      GEOS 425 - course title change, Old: Quaternary Environments, New: Global Climate Change.
    3.      GEOS 440 - course title and prerequisite change, Old: Basin Analysis & Tectonics; prereq. GEOS 340 OR permission of instructor. New: Tectonic Evolution of North America; prereq. GEOS 220, 280, 330 OR 340, OR permission of instructor.
C.      Mass Communications - one-time course offering:, MCOM 401 Terrorism: Topics in Mass Communication (3 SH), Spring 2004
D.      Political Science - course number change, Old: POLS 380 Political Research I - Secondary (3 SH), New: POLS 280 

IX.         Old Business

A.      Calendar committee – charge, information to be provided next meeting.
B.             Regulation 3-4, curriculum approval process.  Discussion held regarding proposed changes to forms and related instructions.
    Schumacher/Bratt, m/s, approve subcommittee recommendation with minor changes.  Bratt/Thompson, m/s, to amend under the notification instructions to replace "approval" of college dean to "recommendation" of college dean. Amendment accepted.  Summa/Ballard, m/s, table. Motion passed.

XI.         New Business

A.      University Studies Progress Report - referral from Faculty Senate 9/22/03

               From the 9/15/03 M&C notes: 

            The administration informed that the final report from the Higher Learning Commission (NCA) after our 2001 accreditation visit included a requirement that we provide “an update on the completion, implementation, and assessment of the University Studies Program, due September 1, 2006.” 

               The visiting team’s recommendation was for a progress report that includes:

             “1.  A plan for the assessment of academic achievement of the University Studies Program objectives, including both direct and indirect indicators; plans for data collection and management; and a description of the structure for using assessment results to lead to curricular and/or instructional changes which should result in improvement of student learning in the University Studies Program.

             2.  Evidence that indicates that the assessment plan has been implemented including a description of the types of data that have been collected and how they have been used to make changes that should lead to improved learning within the program; along with a list of the changes that have been implemented.

             3.  A list of the courses that are identified to fulfill Flag courses requirements in the General Studies program.”

             Faculty Senate received the US Progress Report document from the administration.  The administration requests faculty input/help in addressing the three NCA visiting team recommendations:

            C. Summa/C. Killion moved to refer US Progress Report document to A2C2.  Motion Carried.  (Senate further requests A2C2 progress back to Senate by the end of the fall semester.)

 Summa/Boseker, m/s, to refer this issue to the US subcommittee.  Motion passed.

 XII.      Adjournment: meeting was adjourned at 4:52 pm by Chair Charla Miertschin