Public Health

BS Public Health from Winona State University

There are a few other degree programs that give you a foundation for so many important and interesting jobs as a degree in Public Health from Winona State. A Bachelor's degree in Public Health will give you a thorough grounding in the science and art of maintaining and promoting the health of communities and populations. The degree will prepare you for a broad range of careers including health promotion, community development, epidemiology, and public health research. The program also provides a background in public health for students interested in careers in medicine and dentistry.

Students interested in majoring in Public Health must apply to the program, participate in a competitive selection process, and adhere to published retention guidelines.

Career Opportunities

  • Community Health Educator - who provides support and guidance so that individuals, organizations, businesses, and communities can make changes to maintain and protect health.
  • Epidemiologist - a scientist who studies how diseases spread and how to prevent them and control epidemics.
  • Environmental Health Specialist - who studies how the environment affects health and helps to identify ways to protect the environment and people's health.
  • Health Administrator - who helps to manage health care institutions like hospitals and clinics.
  • Health Policy Maker - who helps to make health policy that saves lives and helps people to live in healthy environments.

Explore all of the career options a major in Public Health prepares you for. 

A student majoring in Public Health chooses either the Community Health Specialist focus or the Epidemiology focus.

The Community Health Specialist focus is designed to provide students with the experience and background they need to be eligible for entry-level jobs as health educators and community health promoters in district and county health departments, governmental agencies including Peace Corps and Americorps, non-governmental organizations such as hospitals, businesses and health based not-for-profit organizations such as the American Red Cross, American Cancer Society, American Heart Associations, and the American Diabetic Society.  The focus also provides good foundation for post-graduate study and is particularly useful for Master's degree programs in public health and community health education.

The Epidemiology focus is designed for students who are interested in attending graduate school as preparation for careers in health based research and epidemiology (the science of how disease spreads in populations) as well as medicine and dentistry.