Professional and Leadership Development - Advisory/Task Force/Support

A. Charge:

  1. Propose, design, initiate and offer a cohesive array of professional development for the university community that provides timely, relevant opportunities for needs such as leadership skill development, conflict resolution, process improvement using tools such as educational lean (for processes or community needs that include for example: regulation changes, shared data projects,.), and individual and work place "health".  The task force/advisory team will delineate our internal capacity and create a central resource point that includes our portfolio of professional leadership and skill development that can be complemented and supplemented with select and relevant external expertise/resources.  
  2. Timeline:  to be determined 

B. Co-Chairs: 1 selected by administration; 1 selected by committee  

C. Term of Office

D. Administrative co-chair will call the first meeting 

E. Composition:  6 IFO, 3 ASF, 1 AFSCME, 1 MAPE, 2 COA,  HR Director (co-chair), 2 Students, 2 Ex Officios: by current expertise

2013-2014 MEMBERSHIP

  • 6 IFO: 1.  2. vacant; 3. vacant; 4. vacant; 5. vacant; 6. vacant
  • 3 ASF: 1. Joel Traver; 2. Eri Fujieda; 3. Alex Kromminga
  • 1 AFSCME: vacant
  • 1 MAPE: Robin O'Callaghan
  • 2 COA: 1. vacant; 2. vacant
  • HR Director:  Lori Reed (co-chair)
  • 2 Students 1. vacant; 2. vacant
  • 2 Ex Officios: 1. Ann MacDonald; 2. Theresa Waterbury
  • Recorder: vacant