All-University Committees

WSU’s All-University Committees and Task Forces are permitted to establish sub-groups or work-groups consistent with Roberts Rules of Order.  

The last update of this roster was made on Oct. 17, 2024.

If you have questions, contact Ingrid Spies at or 507.457.5472.

Adult & Continuing Education Advisory Council | Advisory 

Committee Charge

  • Advise the Director of Adult & Continuing Education and the Administration on how Adult & Continuing Education and the University can be responsive to the needs of adult learners, working professionals, and other non-traditional students
  • Provide diverse perspectives representing various stakeholders within the service region
  • Provide input as it relates to the planning, growth, and development of Adult & Continuing Education in keeping with the Extension Task Force recommendations
  • The Adult & Continuing Education Advisory Council will meet 2-4 times per year as needed
  • Chairmanship – determined at first meeting in 2011
  • Formula for Term of Office – determined at first meeting in 2011


  • 6 IFO (1 from each college and 1 non-teaching)
  • 1 IFO from a Graduate Studies program
  • 1 Council of Administrators
  • Director of Outreach and Continuing Education
  • 2 Adult Learners Students
  • 2 Business-Industry Partners
  • 1 Community/Technical College Partner
  • 1 Adult Entry Process Advisor
  • 1 WSU-Rochester Campus Representative

  • IFO
    1. Eric Kerr-Anderson (Sp25)
    2. Kimberley Radtke (Sp25)
    3. Rita Rahoi-Gilchrest (Sp25)
    4. Craig Upright (Sp25)
    5. Vacant
    6. Vacant
  • IFO from Graduate Studies: Vacant
  • Council of Administrators: Kara Lindaman
  • Director of Outreach and Continuing Education: Heather Dieterman, calls the first meeting
  • Adult Learners Students
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
  • Business-Industry Partners
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
  • Community/Technical College Partner: Vacant
  • Adult Entry Process Advisor: Vacant
  • WSU-Rochester Campus Representative: Vacant
  • IFO
    1. Mary Kirk (Sp24)
    2. Vacant
    3. Vacant
    4. Vacant
    5. Vacant
    6. Vacant
  • IFO from Graduate Studies: Vacant
  • Council of Administrators: Kara Lindaman
  • Director of Outreach and Continuing Education: Acting Director Heather Dieterman
  • Adult Learners Students
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
  • Business-Industry Partners
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
  • Community/Technical College Partner: Vacant
  • Adult Entry Process Advisor: Vacant
  • WSU-Rochester Campus Representative: Vacant

Advising Committee 

Committee Charge

  • Research best practices in advising and develop specific recommendations for strengthening advising
  • Identify campus-specific training and professional development needs and programming for advisors
  • Promote and/or assist with the implementation of advising-related initiatives and professional development
  • Promote the enhancement of a culture of advising excellence recognition across the University
  • Chairmanship: 1 committee member (to be selected by the committee)
  • Term of Membership: 2-year terms (staggered terms when possible)
  • Meeting Notification:
    • When no Chair is identified: Office of Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Life will convene a meeting(s)
    • When a Chair is identified: The Chair will convene meetings


Enhance student advising for all students at all academic levels


  • 5 IFO
  • 2 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 MMA
  • 3 WSU Student Association Members
  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or staff appointee
  • Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Life or staff appointee
  • 4 Ex-Officio
    • Director of Warrior Success Center
    • Chief Information Office
    • IPAR Director
    • AVP of Adult & Continuing Education
  • IFO:
    1. Sara Hein (Sp25)
    2. Gregory Richard (Sp25)
    3. Jessica Hoy (Sp26), co-chair
    4. Jessica Siebenbruner (Sp26)
    5. Heather Schmidtknecht (Sp26)
  • ASF:
    1. Heather Willis (Sp25)
    2. Stephanie Bohlman (Sp25)
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • MMA: Vacant
  • WSU Student Association Members
    1. Sophia Crowe
    2. William Mackedanz
    3. Brooklyn Bothe
  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (or staff appointee): Julie Furst-Bowe
  • Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Life (or staff appointee): Denise McDowell, co-chair
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Director of Warrior Success Center: Ron Strege
    2. Chief Information Officer: Robin Honken
    3. IPAR Director: Vacant
    4. AVP of Adult & Continuing Education: Heather Dieterman
  • IFO:
    1. Sara Hein (Sp25)
    2. Gregory Richard (Sp25)
    3. Vacant
    4. Vacant
    5. Vacant
  • ASF:
    1. Heather Willis (FY25)
    2. Stephanie Bohlman (FY25)
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • MMA: Pat Malotka
  • WSU Student Association Members
    1. Ahlea Wright
    2. Kate Stoeckly
    3. Hannah Herman
  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (or staff appointee): Ted Reilly
  • Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Life (or staff appointee): Denise McDowell, co-chair
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Director of Warrior Success Center: Ron Strege
    2. Chief Information Officer: Robin Honken
    3. IPAR Director:
    4. AVP of Adult & Continuing Education: Heather Dieterman, co-chair

Affirmative Action & Title IX Compliance Committee

Committee Charge

  • Make recommendations to the President on all matters relating to AA/EO policy; coordinate and implement AA programs and procedures for the university; and review and make recommendations on all matters relating to Title IX compliance.
  • Committee will elect a chairperson
  • Term of membership is 2-3 years (students one year)
    • Terms will be staggered
    • Ex-officio may serve indefinitely
  • The Affirmative Action Officer will call the first meeting


  • 4 IFO
  • 1 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 MMA
  • 4 WSU Students
  • 6 Ex-Officio:
    • Affirmative Action Officer
    • Dean of Students
    • AVP of Equity & Inclusive Excellence
    • Athletic Director
    • Director of Access Services
    • Assistant Athletic Director
  • IFO:
    1. Connie Mettille (Sp25)
    2. Samuel Tsegai (Sp25)
    3. Jessica Ramirez (Sp26)
    4. Vacant
  • ASF: Tania Schmidt (Sp25)
  • AFSCME: Linda Waldo
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • MMA: Vacant
  • Students:
    1. Payden Bainbridge
    2. Perla Ibarra
    3. Madison Johannsen
    4. Vacant
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Affirmative Action Officer: Lori Mikl
    2. Dean of Students: Vacant
    3. AV of Equity & Inclusive Excellence: Mohamed Ahmed
    4. Athletic Director: Eric Schoh
    5. Director of Access Services: Vacant
    6. Assistant Athletic Director: Melanie Brunsdon
  • IFO:
    1. Michael Klein (Sp24)
    2. Edward Guernica (Sp24)
    3. Connie Mettille (Sp25)
    4. Samuel Tsegai (Sp25)
  • ASF: Tania Schmidt (FY25)
  • AFSCME: Linda Waldo
  • MAPE: Kay Pedretti
  • MMA: Vacant
  • Students:
    1. Brianna Carman
    2. Cameron Simon
    3. Elly Herrick
    4. Malia Hermerding
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Affirmative Action Officer: Lori Mikl
    2. Dean of Students: Karen Johnson
    3. AV of Equity & Inclusive Excellence: Vacant
    4. Athletic Director: Eric Schoh
    5. Director of Access Services: Vacant
    6. Assistant Athletic Director: Melanie Brunsdon

All University Campaign | Operational 

Committee Charge

  • Provide input and direction for a faculty and staff annual fund drive
  • Set dollar and participation goals for annual campaign
  • Plan program and establish procedures for implementing an annual drive for faculty and staff
  • Provide publicity for the drive
  • Identify individuals to serve as division chairs and solicitors
  • Committee will elect a chairperson or co-chairs
  • Terms of office to be reviewed by each bargaining unit on an annual basis
  • The Associate Director of Annual Giving will call the first meeting


  • 1 IFO
  • 1 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 Council of Administrators
  • 1 Student
  • 3 representatives from the retired unclassified and classified staff to be selected by the President
  • 1 representative from the WSU Foundation
  • Associate Director of Annual Giving
  • IFO: Jennifer Ma (Sp25)
  • ASF: Ron Strege (Sp25)
  • AFSCME: Jovita Light
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • Council of Administrators: Randy Skalberg
  • Student: Max DeLuca
  • Unclassified/Classified Retiree Co-Reps (selected by Pres.)
    1. Serena Holstad
    2. Brian Aldrich
    3. Cindy Jokela
  • WSU Foundation Representative: Jon Olson
  • Associate Director of Annual Giving: Jessica Rossignol will call the first meeting
  • Recorder: Vacant
  • IFO: Jennifer Ma (Sp24)
  • ASF: Ron Strege (FY25)
  • AFSCME: Jovita Light
  • MAPE: Sue Groth, Co-Chair
  • Council of Administrators: Randy Skalberg
  • Student: Tim Galvin
  • Unclassified/Classified Retiree Co-Reps (selected by Pres.)
    1. Serena Holstad
    2. Brian Aldrich
    3. Cindy Jokela
  • WSU Foundation Representative: Jon Olson
  • Associate Director of Annual Giving: Jessica Rossignol
  • Recorder: Vacant

All-University Technology Committee | Advisory

Committee Charge 

  • Review technology initiatives, assess technology use and recommend policy and resource utilization
  • Committee will elect a chairperson
  • Term of membership is 3 years (except students); terms will be staggered
  • Chief Information Officer will call the first meeting


  • 5 IFO
  • 1 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 2 MAPE
  • 1 Deans’ Council
  • 1 MMA
  • 2 Students
  • 2 Ex-Officio:
    • Teaching, Learning & Technology Services Director
    • Chief Information Officer
  • IFO
    1. H. Vernon Leighton (Sp25)
    2. Ann Lichliter (Sp25)
    3. Trung Nguyen (Sp26)
    4. Amy Smith (Sp26)
    5. Patrick Paulson (Sp 27)
  • ASF: Ryan Brinkman (Sp27)
  • AFSCME: Dustin Tollefsrud
  • MAPE:
    1. Sally Mathews
    2. Elizabeth Berres
  • Deans’ Council: Brian Zeller
  • MMA: Tom Hill
  • Students:
    1. Jacob Gareis
    2. Andrew Ruhland
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Teaching, Learning & Technology Services Director: Ken Graetz
    2. Chief Information Officer: Robin Honken
  • Staff: Vacant
  • IFO
    1. Ann Loth (Sp24)
    2. H. Vernon Leighton (Sp25)
    3. Ann Lichliter (Sp25)
    4. Trung Nguyen (Sp26)
    5. Amy Smith (Sp26)
  • ASF: Doug Westerman (FY24)
  • AFSCME: Dustin Tollefsrud
  • MAPE:
    1. Sally Mathews
    2. Elizabeth Berres
  • Deans’ Council: Julie Anderson
  • MMA: Vacant
  • Students:
    1. Ahlea Wright
    2. Jahin Arefin
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Teaching, Learning & Technology Services Director: Ken Graetz
    2. Chief Information Officer: Robin Honken
  • Staff: Vacant

Arboretum & Land Stewardship Committee | Advisory 

Committee Charge 

  • The committee will provide vision, oversight, and advice regarding the development and funding of the WSU campus and its allied properties as a regional Landscape Arboretum to support public enjoyment, education, and scientific study. The recommendations of the committee are advisory and do not supersede the authority of the WSU Administration in all matters relating to campus properties.
  • Committee will elect two chairpersons to serve 2-year appointments
  • There is no formula for the terms of office
  • Arboretum Director will call the first meeting
  • All Committee members should have an interest in, responsibility for and/or expertise in horticulture and landscape development. Additional ad hoc members may be invited as the need for specialized expertise arises in order to achieve the Committee’s charge, mission and goals.


  • 3 IFO
  • 1 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 MMA
  • 2 Students
  • 3 Community Members
  • Landscape Services & Arboretum Director
  • WSU Land Steward
  • 3 Ex Officio:
    • VP University Advancement or Designee
    • Assistant VP of Facilities Services or Designee
    • WSU Sustainability Coordinator or Designee
  • IFO
    1. Peter Knopick (Sp25)
    2. Jennifer Ma (Sp25)
    3. Peggy Sannerud (Sp25)
  • ASF: Jeff Bartholomew (Sp25)
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • MAPE: John Yearous
  • MMA: Patricia Malotka
  • Students
    1. Brennan Wallace
    2. Alexander Cirpinski
  • Community Members
    1. Nancy Reynolds
    2. Tom Hoffmann
    3. Roberta Bumann
  • Landscape Services & Arboretum Director: Nathan Anderson, Co-Chair
  • WSU Land Steward: Amy Runck, Co-Chair
  • VP University Advancement Designee: Jon Olson
  • Assistant VP of Facilities Services: James Goblirsch
  • WSU Sustainability & Planning Director: Vacant
  • IFO
    1. Matthew Lindaman (Sp24)
    2. Melanie Reap (Sp24)
    3. Peggy Sannerud (Sp24)
  • ASF: Jeff Bartholomew (FY25)
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • MAPE: John Yearous
  • MMA: Patricia Malotka
  • Students
    1. Rayna Bowen
    2. Vacant
  • Community Members
    1. Nancy Reynolds
    2. Tom Hoffmann
    3. Roberta Bumann
  • Landscape Services & Arboretum Director: Nathan Anderson, Co-Chair
  • WSU Land Steward: Amy Runck, Co-Chair
  • VP University Advancement Designee: Jon Olson
  • Assistant VP of Facilities Services: James Goblirsch
  • WSU Sustainability & Planning Director: Nathan Engstrom

Art Collection Committee | Advisory 

Committee Charge

  • The Art Collection Committee (ACC) will work collaboratively with the WSU campus community to guide the acquisition, appropriate display, and storage, and eventual deaccession (when appropriate) of art and cultural objects of historic, aesthetic, and educational value
  • Dean of Liberal Arts will call the first meeting


  • 6 IFO (1 preferred from each college and non-teaching)
  • 1 ASF
  • 1 Deans Council
  • 1 Development Officer from Advancement
  • 2 Students
  • 1 Ex-Officio: WSU Art Administrator
  • IFO
    1. College of Business:  Matthew Mulderink (Sp26) and Malgorzata Plecka (Sp25)
    2. College of Education: Vacant
    3. College of Liberal Arts: Gregory Neidhart (Sp25) and Patrick Lichty (Sp25)
    4. College of Nursing and Health Sciences: Vacant
    5. College of Science and Engineering:  Hannah Leverentz-Culp (Sp26)
    6. Library & Information Services: Kendall Larson (Sp27)
    7. Vacant
  • ASF: Ryan Brinkman
  • Deans Council: Kara Lindaman
  • Development Officer from Advancement: Robert Christiano
  • Students
    1. Kendra McClure
    2. Vacant
  • Ex-Officio
    1. WSU Art Administrator: Vacant
  • Staff: Vacant
  • IFO
    1. College of Business:  Matthew Mulderink (Sp26)
    2. College of Education: Jodi Saunders (Sp24)
    3. College of Liberal Arts: Gregory Neidhart (Sp25) Patrick Lichty (Sp26)
    4. College of Nursing and Health Sciences: Vacant
    5. College of Science and Engineering:  Vacant
    6. Library & Information Services: Kendall Larson (Sp24)
    7. Kayla Olson, Library
  • ASF: Vacant
  • Deans Council: Kara Lindaman
  • Development Officer from Advancement: Robert Christiano
  • Students
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
  • Ex-Officio
    1. WSU Art Administrator: Roger Boulay
  • Staff: Vacant

Calendar Committee | Operational 

Committee Charge

  • The committee plans the academic year calendar for printing in the University catalogs, both undergraduate and graduate, as well as for distribution to all university offices. The calendar must be approved by each constituent group on campus before being sent to the President for approval.
  • The chairperson shall be the Provost or VP for Academic Affairs
  • There is no formula for the term of office
  • The Provost or VP for Academic Affairs will call the first meeting


  • 4 IFO (1 is the A2C2 Chair)
  • 2 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 Council of Administrators
  • 2 Students
  • 1 WSU-Rochester staff
  • Provost or VP for Academic Affairs or Designee
  • 1 Ex-Officio: Registrar or Designee
  • IFO
    1. Craig Upright (Office A2C2 Chair)
    2. Amanda Brouwer (Sp25)
    3. YoungJin Kim (Sp25)
    4. Elizabeth Green-Kronebusch (Sp25)
  • ASF
    1. Amy Fish (Sp26)
    2. Tania Schmidt (Sp25)
  • AFSCME: Blandine Berthelot
  • MAPE: Kay Pedretti
  • Council of Administrators: Randy Skalberg
  • Students:
    1. Jullie Thakur
    2. William Mackedanz
  • Winona State University – Rochester Staff:  Jill Rasmussen
  • Provost/VP for Academic Affairs and Chair: Julie Furst-Bowe, Chair
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Registrar: Amy Fish
  • Recorder: Dana Engel
  • IFO
    1. Craig Upright (Office A2C2 Chair)
    2. Amanda Brouwer (Sp24)
    3. Myles Weber (Sp24)
    4. Ann Loth (Sp24)
  • ASF
    1. Sammie Eckerson (FY24)
    2. Tania Schmidt (FY25)
  • AFSCME: Blandine Berthelot
  • MAPE: Kay Pedretti
  • Council of Administrators: Randy Skalberg
  • Students:
    1. Max DeLuca
    2. Vacant
  • Winona State University – Rochester Staff:  Vacant
  • Provost/VP for Academic Affairs and Chair: Darrell Newton, Chair
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Registrar: Tania Schmidt
  • Recorder: Theresa Nelsestuen

Commencement Committee 

Committee Charge

  • Coordinate all activities for the graduation ceremony held at the end of the academic year.
  • Review nominations of candidates for honorary degrees and make recommendations to the President.
  • Administration will appoint a chairperson
  • There is no formula for the term of office
  • Representative for VP for Academic Affairs will call the first meeting


  • 6 IFO
  • 2 ASF
  • 3 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 2 Council of Administrators
  • 3 Students
  • 1 Coalition
  • Representative for Provost/VP for Academic Affairs
  • 5 Ex-Officio:
    • Director of WSU Bands
    • Facilities Services Representative
    • Technical Director & Stage Setup
    • Public Information Director
    • Creative Services Representative
  • IFO
    1. College of Liberal Arts: Autumn Cole (Sp25)
    2. College of Education: Vacant
    3. College of Business: Vacant
    4. College of Science and Engineering: Hannah Leverentz-Culp (Sp25)
    5. College of Nursing: Ashley Busch (Sp25) and Cynthia Jones (Sp25)
    6. Non-Teaching: Vacant
  • ASF
    1. Erica Mundt (Sp26)
    2. Sammie Eckerson (Sp25)
    1. Machelle Carney
    2. Joan Kauphusman
    3. Claudia Richard
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • Council of Administrators
    1. Kara Lindaman
    2. Nicole Williams
  • Students
    1. Sophia Crowe
    2. Paige Howarth
    3. Lauren Elbert
  • Coalition: Alex Sedlmayr
  • Representative for VP for Academic Affairs: Julie Furst-Bowe

    1. Director of WSU Bands: Melanie Brooks Dinh
    2. Facilities Services Representative: Vacant
    3. Technical Director & Stage Setup: Vacant
    4. Public Information Director: Andrea Northam
    5. Creative Services Representative: Pat Malotka
  • Recorder: Vacant
  • IFO
    1. College of Liberal Arts: Vacant
    2. College of Education: Vacant
    3. College of Business: Vacant
    4. College of Science and Engineering: Vacant
    5. College of Nursing: Ashley Busch (Sp24)
    6. Non-Teaching: Vacant
  • ASF
    1. Dancia Perner (FY24)
    2. Sammie Eckerson (FY25)
    1. Machelle Carney
    2. Joan Kauphusman
    3. Claudia Richard
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • Council of Administrators
    1. Julie Anderson
    2. Kara Lindaman
  • Students
    1. Malia Hermerding
    2. Paige Howarth
    3. Madison Johannsen
  • Coalition: Alex Sedlmayr
  • Representative for VP for Academic Affairs: Kristine Benjamin

    1. Director of WSU Bands: Melanie Brooks
    2. Facilities Services Representative: Vacant
    3. Technical Director & Stage Setup: Vacant
    4. Public Information Director: Andrea Northam
    5. Creative Services Representative: Pat Malotka
  • Recorder: Kristine Benjamin

Digital Communications Committee | Advisory 

Committee Charge

  • Review standards, policies and practices for digital communications and properties including the and all associated websites
  • Review standards, policies, practices, and guidelines relevant to social media engagement on behalf of WSU
  • Review accessibility, branding and design standards for digital communications
  • Review and define campus standards around digital communication, digital fluency, and digital citizenship
  • Serve as a campus advocate and ambassador for digital governance and strategy
  • Provide reporting on the activities around digital communications governance to the Long-Range Planning Committee

The Digital Communications Advisory Committee serves to review, recommend, and provide feedback on strategy, standards, and policies for public-facing digital communications and properties (*), including official campus social media channels, blogs, and all associated websites.


  • 6 IFO
  • 2 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 2 MAPE
  • 2 MMA
  • 1 Council of Administrators
  • 1 Commissioners Plan
  • 3 Students
  • 4 Ex Officio (Non-Voting):
    • Senior Director of Marketing, Communications and Media Relations
    • Director Digital Transformation and User Experience
    • Director of Marketing
    • AVP Academic Affairs – Rochester Campus

*Official University digital properties are websites, social media, blogs, and other digital presentations which are operated at the university, college, school, or department level. These digital properties do not include faculty personal teaching sites or digital instruction tools, student clubs or organizations, and other associated groups (such as bargaining units).

  • IFO
    1. Lawrence Schrenk (Sp25)
    2. Kendall Larson (Sp25)
    3. Trung Nguyen (Sp25)
    4. Steven Baule (Sp25)
    5. Hyunseo Yoon (Sp25)
    6. Adam Gaffey (Sp26)
  • ASF
    1. Megan Simonson (Sp25)
    2. Elizabeth Schwanke (Sp26)
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • MAPE
    1. Elizabeth Berres
    2. Dan Bailey
  • MMA:
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
  • Council of Administrators: Scott Ellinghuysen
  • Commissioners Plan: Lisa Zibert
  • Students:
    1. Abby Daniels
    2. Brooklyn Bothe
    3. Nolan Polson
  • Ex Officio (Non-voting)
    1. Senior Director of Marketing, Communications and Media Relations. Calls first meeting each year: Andrea Northam, Co-Chair
    2. Director Digital Transformation and User Experience: Robin Honken
    3. Director of Marketing: Joseph Hammes
    4. AVP Academic Affairs – Rochester Campus: Vacant
  • IFO
    1. Lawrence Schrenk (Sp25)
    2. Kendall Larson (Sp25)
    3. Trung Nguyen (Sp25)
    4. Steven Baule (Sp25)
    5. Hyunseo Yoon (Sp25)
    6. Vacant
  • ASF
    1. Megan Simonson (FY25)
    2. Vacant
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • MAPE
    1. Elizabeth Berres
    2. Dan Bailey
  • MMA:
    1. Pat Malotka
    2. Vacant
  • Council of Administrators: Scott Ellinghuysen
  • Commissioners Plan: Lisa Zibert
  • Students:
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
    3. Vacant
  • Ex Officio (Non-voting)
    1. Senior Director of Marketing, Communications and Media Relations. Calls first meeting each year: Andrea Northam, Co-Chair 
    2. Director Digital Transformation and User Experience: Robin Honken
    3. Director of Marketing: Joe Hammes
    4. AVP Academic Affairs – Rochester Campus: Vacant

Enrollment Management Committee | Advisory 

Committee Charge

  • Advise on strategies to optimize enrollment for the university.
  • Committee will elect a chairperson
  • Term of membership is 3 years (except students); terms will be staggered
  • The VP Student Life & Development will call the first meeting


  • 3 IFO
  • 1 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 Deans’ Council
  • 2 Students
  • 8 Ex-Officio:
    • Director of Admissions
    • Director of Warrior Success Center
    • Director of IPAR
    • International Studies Representative
    • AVP of Equity & Inclusive Excellence
    • VP for Enrollment Management & Student Life
    • Associate Director of Enrollment Services
    •  Marketing and Communications designee 
  • IFO
    1. Matthew Lindaman (Sp25)
    2. Jodi Saunders (Sp26)
    3. John Johanson (Sp27)
  • ASF: Justin Loehr (Sp25)
  • AFSCME: Brenna Curry
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • Deans’ Council:  Eric Schoh
  • Students
    1. Will Grams
    2. Paige Howarth
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Director of Admissions: Tania Schmidt
    2. Director of Warrior Success Center: Ron Strege, Co-Chair
    3. Director of IPAR: Vacant
    4. International Studies Representative:  Oresta Felts
    5. AVP of Equity & Inclusive Excellence: Mohamed Ahmed
    6. VP for Enrollment Management & Student Life: Denise McDowell
    7. Associate Director of Enrollment Services: Paul Stern
    8.  Marketing and Communication designee: Andrea Northam
  • Co-Staff: Vacant
  • IFO
    1. Sara Hein, Co-Chair (Sp24)
    2. John Johanson (Sp24)
    3. Matthew Lindaman (Sp25)
  • ASF: Justin Loehr (FY25)
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • Deans’ Council:  Ted Reilly
  • Students
    1. Madison Johannsen
    2. William Grams
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Director of Admissions: Tania Schmidt
    2. Director of Warrior Success Center: Ron Strege, Co-Chair
    3. Director of IPAR: Vacant
    4. International Studies Representative:  Oresta Felts
    5. AVP of Equity & Inclusive Excellence: Vacant
    6. VP for Enrollment Management & Student Life: Denise McDowell
    7. Associate Director of Enrollment Services: Paul Stern
    8.  Marketing and Communication designee: Andrea Northam
  • Co-Staff: Vacant

Finance & Facilities Committee | Advisory 

Committee Charge

  • Advise on policies for resource allocation within the university.
  • Responsible for reviewing Parking Appeals.
  • Co-Chairs: 1 selected by administration, 1 selected by committee
  • Term of Office
  • Administration will call the first meeting


  • 6 IFO
  • 3 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MMA
  • 1 MAPE
  • 2 Council of Administrators
  • 2 Students
  • 3 Ex-Officio:
    • Director of Construction
    • Registrar
    • Budget Director
  • IFO
    1. Patrick Clipsham (Sp25)
    2. Sara Hein (Sp25)
    3. Vernon Leighton (co-chair) (Sp26)
    4. Dawnette Cigrand (Sp26)
    5. Jodi Olson (Sp27)
    6. Justin Geijer (Sp27)
  • ASF
    1. Sarah Olcott (Sp25)
    2. Jillian Quandt (Sp26)
    3. Ryan Brinkman (Sp26)
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • MMA: Pat Malotka
  • MAPE: Paul Omdal
  • VP Finance and Administration: Scott Ellinghuysen (co-chair)
  • Council of Administrators
    1. Randy Skalberg
    2. Nicole Williams
  • Students
    1. Will Grams
    2. Andrew Ruhland
  • Assistant VP for Facilities Management: James Goblirsch (co-chair)
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Director of Construction: Tim Matthees
    2. Registrar: Amy Fish
    3. Budget Director: Stacey Matthees
  • Staff: Kelsey Breer
  • IFO
    1. Patrick Clipsham (Sp25)
    2. Sara Hein (Sp25)
    3. George Tawadros (Sp24)
    4. Vernon Leighton (co-chair) (Sp26)
    5. Dawnette Cigrand (Sp26)
    6. Gretchen Michlitsch (Sp24)
  • ASF
    1. Sammie Eckerson (FY24)
    2. Tracy Rahim (FY24)
    3. Sarah Olcott (FY25)
  • AFSCME: Whitney Rolbiecki
  • MMA: Pat Malotka
  • MAPE: Paul Omdal
  • VP Finance and Administration: Scott Ellinghuysen (co-chair)
  • Council of Administrators
    1. Randy Skalberg
    2. Nicole Williams
  • Students
    1. Garrett Haugen
    2. Kate Stoeckly
  • Assistant VP for Facilities Management: James Goblirsch (co-chair)
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Director of Construction: Tim Matthees
    2. Registrar: Tracy Becker
    3. Budget Director: Stacey Matthees
  • Staff: Kelsey Breer

Graduate Student Experience Committee | Advisory 

Committee Charge

  • Serve as advocate for an exceptional graduate student experience
  • Provide feedback and recommendations on policies and procedures impacting graduate student experiences to the Dean for the School of Graduate Studies and the Long Range Planning Committee
  • Committee will elect a chairperson
  • Term of membership is 3 years (except students); terms will be staggered
  • The Dean for the School of Graduate Studies will call the first meeting


  • Graduate Council Chair
  • 3 IFO in graduate programs (ideally one from each college offering graduate programs)
  • 1 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 2 Deans Council
  • 3 Graduate Students (ideally 1 from each graduate program at least one Graduate Assistant and graduate students who are in programs at each campus, additional students are welcome)
  • 1 Ex-Officio: AVP Research, Graduate Studies, and Assessment 
  • Graduate Council Chair: Dawnette Cigrand, Co-Chair
  • IFO
    1. Andrea Gierok (Sp25)
    2. Ashley Busch (Sp26)
    3. Becky Heinert (Sp27)
    4. Steven Baule (office)
  • ASF:  Megan Simonson (Sp27)
  • AFSCME: Patti Gangl
  • MAPE: Kay Pedretti
  • Deans Council
    1. Denise McDowell
    2. Kendra Weber
  • Graduate Students
    1. Tyler Piel
    2. Vacant
    3. Vacant
  • Ex-Officio: AVP Research, Graduate Studies and Assessment: Brian Zeller
  • Staff: VP EMSL Denise McDowell
  • Graduate Council Chair: Dawnette Cigrand, Co-Chair
  • IFO
    1. Samantha Schneider (Sp24)
    2. Andrea Gierok (Sp25)
    3. Ashley Busch (Sp26)
    4. Steven Baule. (office)
  • ASF:  Sammie Eckerson (FY24)
  • AFSCME: Patti Gangl
  • MAPE: Kay Pedretti
  • Deans Council
    1. Scott Sorvaag
    2. Julie Anderson
  • Graduate Students
    1. Tyler Peil
    2. Vacant
    3. Vacant
  • Ex-Officio: AVP Research, Graduate Studies and Assessment: Ted Reilly
  • Staff: VP EMSL Denise McDowell

Hall of Fame Committee | Operational 

Committee Charge

  • During WSU’s history, many athletes, coaches, athletic directors, and faculty representatives have contributed to the distinction of the University. To honor these people, Winona State developed an Athletic Hall of Fame. The purpose of this organization is to pay tribute and give recognition to those people who have shown distinctive, unique, or exceptional ability while on campus and since graduation.
  • Committee will elect a chairperson
  • Subgroups may be formed to deal with more specific matters
  • There is no formula for the term of office
  • Director of Athletics will call the first meeting


  • 5 IFO
  • 1 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 2 Council of Administrators
  • 1 Student
  • Faculty Athletic Representative
  • Director of Athletics
  • Compliance Officer
  • Alumni Director
  • 1 Alumni Association
  • 1 Warrior Club, 1 WSU Foundation
  • 2 Community Representatives
  • 1 Ex-Officio: Assistant Athletics Director 
  • IFO
    1. Mason Rebarchek (Sp25)
    2. Michelle Keller (Sp26)
    3. Cynthia Jones (Sp27)
    4. Vacant
    5. Vacant
  • ASF: Jaran DeFries
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • Council of Administrators
    1. Scott Ellinghuysen
    2. Jon Olson
  • Student: Kaylee Kapalcynski
  • Faculty Athletic Representative: Marcy Faircloth
  • Director of Athletics: Eric Schoh
  • Compliance Officer: Breana Larsen
  • Alumni Director: Tracy Hale
  • Alumni Association: Stephanie Geislinger
  • Warrior Club: Todd Wanshura
  • WSU Foundation: Jeff Bartholomew
  • Community Representatives
    1. Tom Sawyer
    2. Larry Holstad
  • Ex-Officio: Assistant Athletics Director Jill Bratberg
  • Recorder: Joey Mueller
  • IFO
    1. Mason Rebarchek (Sp25)
    2. Michelle Keller (Sp24)
    3. Cynthia Jones (Sp24)
    4. Vacant
    5. Vacant
  • ASF: Jaran Defries (FY24)
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • Council of Administrators
    1. Scott Ellinghuysen
    2. Jon Olson
  • Student: Jack O’Connor
  • Faculty Athletic Representative: Chris Malone
  • Director of Athletics: Eric Schoh
  • Compliance Officer: Breana Larsen
  • Alumni Director: Tracy Hale
  • Alumni Association: Stephanie Geislinger
  • Warrior Club: Todd Wanshura
  • WSU Foundation: Jeff Bartholomew
  • Community Representatives
    1. Tom Sawyer
    2. Larry Holstad
  • Ex-Officio: Assistant Athletics Director Jill Bratberg
  • Recorder: Peter Watkins

Improvement, Accreditation & Assessment Committee | Advisory 

Committee Charge

  • Propose, review, initiate and coordinate short-term initiatives for university improvement that are based on analysis of institutional-level data in preparation for the next accreditation, and develop assessment tool for evaluation of initiatives from the Long-Range Planning Committee.
  • Co-Chairs: 1 selected by administration, 1 selected by committee
  • Term of Office:
  • Administration will call the first meeting


  • 6 IFO
  • 3 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 2 COA
  • 1 MAPE
  • AVP Academic Affairs, Co-Chair
  • 2 WSUSA
  • 3 Ex-Officio:
    • IPAR Director
    • VP for Enrollment Management & Student Life
    • General Education Director
  • IFO
    1. Mary Hudgens Henderson (Sp27)
    2. Dawnette Cigrand (Sp26)
    3. Christina Feine (Sp25)
    4. Aurora Jacobsen (Sp27)
    5. Robert Wolf (Sp27)
    6. Andrew Ferstl (Sp27)
  • ASF
    1. Barb Nascak (Sp26)
    2. Sarah Olcott (Sp26)
    3. Vacant
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • MAPE: Aurea Osgood
  • AVP Academic Affairs: Ken Graetz,Co-Chair
  • Council of Administrators
    1. Julie Furst-Bowe
    2. Lori Rhudy
    1. Finn McLaughlin
    2. Olivia Johnson
  • Ex-Officio
    1. IPAR Director: Vacant
    2. VP for Enrollment Management & Student Life: Denise McDowell
    3. General Education Director: Elizabeth Zold
  • Recorder: Elizabeth Zold (Office)
  • IFO
    1. Mary Hudgens Henderson (Sp24)
    2. Dawnette Cigrand (Sp26)
    3. Christina Feine (Sp25)
    4. Aurora Jacobsen (Sp24)
    5. Eric Kerr-Anderson (Sp26)
    6. Robert Wolf (Sp24)
  • ASF
    1. Ryan Brinkman (FY24)
    2. Gabriel Lindo-Ardila (FY25)
    3. Paula O’Malley
  • AFSCME: Beth Halleck
  • MAPE: Aurea Osgood
  • AVP Academic Affairs: Ted Reilly, Co-Chair
  • Council of Administrators
    1. Ken Graetz
    2. Darrell Newton
    1. Rayna Bowen
    2. Phoenix Crass
  • Ex-Officio
    1. IPAR Director: Vacant
    2. VP for Enrollment Management & Student Life: Karen Johnson
    3. General Education Director: Aurea Osgood
  • Recorder: Elizabeth Zold (Office)

Inclusive Excellence Committee 

Committee Charge

  • Bring forward initial recommendations to University President and Cabinet to further develop and integrate university efforts for promotion of diversity-equity and inclusion.
  • In particular, committee will work to make excellence inclusive and welcoming through the following interdependent components:
    • Equity in Access and Success
    • Campus Climate Assessments
    • Curricular and Co-Curricular Program Alignment
    • Learning and Development Opportunities 
    • Institutional structures and practices
  • Committee will elect a chairperson
  • Term of membership is 2-3 years (students one year); terms will be staggered; ex-officio may serve indefinitely.
  • The Director of Inclusion and Diversity will call the first meeting


  • 4 IFO
  • 1 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 MMA
  • 4 Students
  • 8 Ex Officio:
    • AAO
    • Dean of Students
    • AVP of Office of Equity & Inclusive Excellence
    • Director of Warrior Success Center
    • IPAR Director
    • Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Life
    • Community Liaison from Rochester
    • Member of the Winona community, with preference for an alumnus/a of the Blandin Foundation Leadership Training Seminar
  • IFO
    1. Jessica Siebenbruner (Sp25)
    2. Amy Smith (Sp26)
    3. Vacant
    4. Vacant
  • ASF: Tyler Treptow-Bowman (Sp25)
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • MMA: Vacant
  • Students
    1. Tyler Peil
    2. Kendra McClure
    3. Dylan Anderson
    4. Kaylee Kapalcynski
  • Ex Officio
    1. AAO: Lori Mikl
    2. Dean of Students: Vacant
    3. AVP of Equity & Inclusive Excellence: Mohamed Ahmed
    4. Director of Warrior Success Center: Ron Strege
    5. IPAR Director: Vacant
    6. Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Life: Denise McDowell
    7. Community Liaison from Rochester: Vacant
    8. Winona Community Alumnus/a of the Blandin Foundation Leadership Training Seminar: Vacant
  • IFO
    1. Rieko Miyakuni (Sp24)
    2. Micheal Klein (Sp24)
    3. Sarah Phan-Budd (Sp25)
    4. Jessica Siebenbruner (Sp25)
  • ASF: Tyler Treptow-Bowman (FY25)
  • AFSCME: Beth Halleck
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • MMA: Tom Hill
  • Students
    1. Brianna Carman
    2. Hannah Herman
    3. Afrini Hossain
    4. Payden Bainbridge
  • Ex Officio
    1. AAO: Lori Mikl
    2. Dean of Students: Karen Johnson
    3. AVP of Equity & Inclusive Excellence: Vacant
    4. Director of Warrior Success Center: Ron Strege
    5. IPAR Director: Vacant
    6. Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Life: Denise McDowell
    7. Community Liaison from Rochester: Vacant
    8. Winona Community Alumnus/a of the Blandin Foundation Leadership Training Seminar: Vacant

Indigenous Relations, Education, & Programming Committee

Committee Charge

  • The Committee will provide vision, oversight, and recommendations regarding the University’s responsibilities to the Indigenous nations whose land we occupy, and to the campus community as an educational institution. Among the issues within the Committee’s purview are:
    1. WSU government-to-government relations with Minnesota tribal communities (establishing, maintaining, developing meaningful partnerships)
    2. Campus climate for Indigenous students, faculty, staff, and guests
    3. Art by Indigenous artists (including both the current collections and future donations, commissions, purchases etc…working in conjunction with the Art Collection Committee.)
    4. Educational initiatives regarding Indigenous history and cultures, including treaties, sovereignty rights, tribal nations of the region.
    5. Annual review and updating of WSU’s land acknowledgement and advocacy of the use of the acknowledgement at university events.
    6. Support and advocacy of student groups such as TISO (Turtle Island Student Organization) should they organize.
  • The Committee will work in collaboration with AVP for Equity and Inclusive Excellence/Chief Diversity Officer to propose a yearly budget for Indigenous Peoples’ Day/Month (2nd Monday in October) and Native Heritage Month (November).  The Committee will plan events for Indigenous Peoples’ Day/Month and Native Heritage Month, as well as additional events within the budget of the Committee.  The Committee will develop and ensure the distribution of publicity for the events.
  • Committee will elect two chairpersons to serve 2-year appointments.
  • There is no formula for the terms of office.
  • Chair of Art Collection Committee will call the first meeting.
  • All Committee members should have an interest in, responsibility for and/or expertise in the areas within the Committee’s purview. Additional ad hoc members may be invited as the need for specialized expertise arises, in order to achieve the Committee’s charge.


  • 3 IFO
  • 1 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 MMA
  • 1 COA
  • 2 Students
  • At least 3 community members who are Indigenous, with intentional outreach to Minnesota Dakota communities
  • Ex-Officio: Art Collection Committee Chair, Equity and Inclusive Excellence staff member, Landscape Services and Arboretum Director OR WSU Land Steward
  • IFO
    1. Mary Jo Klinker (Sp26)
    2. Jennifer Anderson (Sp25)
    3. Roger Boulay (Sp27)
  • ASF
    1. Tyler Treptow-Bowman (Sp25)
    1. Vacant
  • MAPE
    1. Kay Pedretti
  • MMA
    1. Vacant
  • COA
    1. Scott Sorvaag
  • Students
    1. Finn McLaughlin
    2. Jasmine Onyancha
  • Community members who are Indigenous, with intentional outreach to Minnesota Dakota communities:
    1. Regan Kluver
    2. Vacant
    3. Vacant
  • 3 Ex-Officio:
    • Art Collection Committee Chair: Vacant
    • Equity and Inclusive Excellence staff member: Mohamed Ahmed
    • Landscape Services and Arboretum Director or WSU Land Steward: Vacant
  • IFO
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
    3. Vacant
  • ASF
    1. Tyler Treptow-Bowman (FY25)
    1. Vacant
  • MAPE
    1. Vacant
  • MMA
    1. Vacant
  • COA
    1. Kara Lindaman
  • Students
    1. Emma Ehlers
    2. Sophia Crowe
  • Community members who are Indigenous, with intentional outreach to Minnesota Dakota communities:
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
    3. Vacant
  • 3 Ex-Officio:
    • Art Collection Committee Chair: Vacant
    • Equity and Inclusive Excellence staff member: Vacant
    • Landscape Services and Arboretum Director OR WSU Land Steward: Vacant

Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee | Mandated 

Committee Charge

  • To approve, require modifications in, or disapprove all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction as specified by both the federal regulations and local institutional policy; and to:
    1. Develop policy, procedures, and guidelines to protect animal subjects, including conducting program reviews at least once every six months
    2. Provide prior reviews of research proposals
    3. Monitor ongoing research as dictated by funding sources or other needs with respect to animal subjects’ rights, including conducting animal facilities inspections at least once every six months
    4. Provide advice to researchers on issues concerning the treatment of animal subjects
    5. Investigate complaints that researchers have failed to obtain needed approval or have mistreated subjects
    6. Suspend or terminate approval of research that is not being conducted in accordance with requirements, or that has been associated with serious harm to subjects
    7. Keep written records of all reviews and decisions concerning reviews
    8. Submit reports and written recommendations to the President
  • IACUC will elect a chairperson
  • Term of office may be unlimited
  • Grants & Sponsored Projects Director will call the first meeting


  • IFO: Recommendations for appointments will be made to the Committee on Committees by the following Departments:
    • Biology
    • Philosophy
    • Psychology
  • 1 Council of Administrators
  • Veterinarian
  • Community Member
  • 1 Ex-Officio: Director of Grants & Sponsored Projects)
  • IFO
    1. Biology: Mark Garbrecht (Oct. 15, 2024)
    2. Biology: Amy Runck (Oct. 15, 2024)
    3. Philosophy: Patrick Clipsham (Oct. 15, 2024)
    4. Psychology: John Holden (Oct. 15, 2024)
    5. Psychology: Vacant
  • Veterinarian: Brett Flathers, DVM
  • Council of Administrators: Nicole Williams
  • Community Member: Jane Menke
  • Ex Officio: Director of Grants & Sponsored Projects:  Tyler Treptow-Bowman
  • IFO
    1. Biology: Kimberley Bates (Oct. 15, 2024)
    2. Biology: Amy Runck (Oct. 15, 2024)
    3. Philosophy: Patrick Clipsham (Oct. 15, 2024)
    4. Psychology: John Holden (Oct. 15, 2024)
    5. Psychology: Vacant
  • Veterinarian: Brett Flathers, DVM
  • Council of Administrators: Nicole Williams
  • Community Member: Jane Menke
  • Ex Officio: Director of Grants & Sponsored Projects:  Ted Reilly

Institutional Review Board (Human Subjects) Committee | Mandated 

Committee Charge

  • To approve, require modifications in, or disapprove all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction as specified by both the federal regulations and local institutional policy; and to:
    • Develop policies, procedures, and guidelines to protect human subjects
    • Serve as a resource for researchers on issues concerning the treatment of human subjects
    • Review, approve, require modifications in, or disapprove all research activities involving human participants
    • Maintain written records of all IRB decisions and actions
    • Conduct continuing review of research at least once a year
    • Respond to complaints that researchers have failed to obtain needed approval or have mistreated, coerced, or deceived subjects
    • Withhold, suspend or terminate approval of research that is not being conducted in accordance with requirements, or that has been associated with serious harm to subjects
    • Notify appropriate institutional officials of any such action
  • IRB will elect a chairperson
  • Terms commence on October 15, shall extend for a minimum of three years, and may be unlimited. All members will be appointed to three-year terms on a rotating basis.
  • Grants & Sponsored Projects Director will call the first meeting.
  • Members shall:
    • have the professional competence necessary to review specific research
    • be appointed with due consideration given to race, gender and cultural background and sensitivity to such issues as community attitudes
    • not consist entirely of one profession
    • include one member whose primary concerns are scientific and one whose primary interests are non-scientific (e.g., lawyer, clergy, ethicist, etc.)
    • shall not have a conflicting interest
    • shall successfully complete an IRB-approved education program in the protection of human subjects
  • Recommendations for IFO appointments will be made to the Committee on Committees by departments with faculty conducting research involving human participants
    • Each fall, the IRB will notify the Faculty Senate as to which 9 departments’ faculty and/or students have submitted the greatest combined number of  IRB Requests for Approval of Protocol forms in the past three consecutive academic years
    • Those Departments will be invited to make recommendations to the Committee on Committees for up to 2 IRB appointments. 
    • Additionally, there may be one at-large volunteer from each college
    • If there are more than nine candidates, the Committee on Committees will select nine from the total to recommend to faculty Senate, giving preference to the nominees from qualifying departments


At least 5 members, including: 

  • 4-9 IFO, 1 Council of Administrators
  • 1 community member (by invitation of the IRB)
  • the Director of Grants & Sponsored Projects (as a non-voting member), who shall serve as human protections administrator
  • IFO
    1. Stephanie Schartel Dunn (Oct. 15, 2025)
    2. Bridget Conlon Mayfield (Oct. 15, 2027)
    3. Amanda Brouwer (Oct. 15, 2026)
    4. Becky Heinert (Oct. 15, 2027)
    5. Steven Baule (Oct. 15, 2025)
    6. Rieko Miyakuni (Oct. 15, 2025)
    7. Kimberly Langer (Oct. 15, 2027)
  • Council of Administrators: Lori Rhudy
  • Community Member: Gerald E. Neal
  • Prisoner Representative: Richmond H. McCluer
  • Director of Grants & Sponsored Projects: Tyler Treptow-Bowman
  • Recorder: Vacant
  • IFO
    1. Stephanie Schartel Dunn (Oct. 15, 2025)
    2. Alexandru Stana (Oct. 15, 2024)
    3. Amanda Brouwer (Oct. 15, 2026)
    4. Justin Geijer (Oct.15, 2024)
    5. Begum Aybar-Damali (Oct. 15, 2024)
    6. Steven Baule (Oct. 15, 2025)
    7. Rieko Miyakuni (Oct. 15, 2025)
    8. M. Helene Spencer (Oct. 15, 2026)
  • Council of Administrators: Julie Anderson
  • Community Member: Gerald E. Neal
  • Prisoner Representative: Richmond H. McCluer
  • Director of Grants & Sponsored Projects: Brett Ayers
  • Recorder: Brett Ayers
  • Prisoner Representative: Richmond H. McCluer
  • Director of Grants & Sponsored Projects: Brett Ayers
  • Recorder: Brett Ayers

International Committee | Advisory 

Committee Charge

  • Advise on and recommend policies for international partnerships and programming.
  • Committee will elect a chairperson
  • Term of membership is 3 years (except students); terms will be staggered
  • The Assistant Vice President of the Center for Global Education will call the first meeting


  • 4 IFO including:
    • 1 Representative from the Faculty-led Study Away Programs Subcommittee (FLPS)
    • 1 Representative from the Study Abroad Committee 
  • 1 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 Deans’ Council
  • 2 Students
  • 3 Ex-Officio:
    • Assistant Vice President of the Center for Global Education
    • International Students and Scholars Services 
    • Director of Study Away
  • Staff
  • 4 IFO
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
    3. Vacant
    4. Vacant
      • Faculty-led Study Away Program Subcommittee (FLPS):
      • Study Abroad Committee:
  • ASF: Rebecca Sims (Sp26)
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • Deans’ Council:  Kara Lindaman
  • Students
    1. Max DeLuca
    2. Jullie Thakur
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Assistant Vice President of the Center for Global Education: Mohamed Ahmed
    2. Director of International Student and Scholars Services: Oresta Felts
    3. Director of Study Away: Susan Pham
  • Staff: Renee Stowell
  • 4 IFO
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
    3. Vacant
    4. Vacant
      • Faculty-led Study Away Program Subcommittee (FLPS):
      • Study Abroad Committee:
  • ASF: Vacant
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • MAPE: Jill Bradley
  • Deans’ Council:  Julie Anderson
  • Students
    1. Afrini Hossain
    2. Jahin Arefin
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Assistant Vice President of the Center for Global Education: Ted Reilly
    2. Director of International Student and Scholars Services: Oresta Felts
    3. Director of Study Away: Susan Pham.
  • Staff: Renee Stowell

Learning & Community Engagement Committee | Advisory 

Committee Charge

  • Build awareness, capacity and accountability for collaborations with community partners that serve as a form of pedagogy and scholarship to help develop our students’ civic intelligence and empower them to contribute to the community in ways that are meaningful to society as well as themselves.
  • Select and coordinate WSU’s annual “university-wide theme”
  • Committee will elect a chairperson
  • Term of membership is 3 years (except students); terms will be staggered
  • The Administrator will call the first meeting


  • 6 IFO
  • 3 ASF
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 Council of Administrators
  • 2 Students
  • 2 Community Partnership Members
  • 4 Ex-Officio
    • Coordinator – Office of Learning & Community Engagement
    • Faculty Liaison
    • Director of Retiree Center
    • Director of Communications, Marketing and Media Relations
    • Staff
  • IFO
    1. Teresa Lee (Sp26)
    2. Jim Kirk (Sp26)
    3. Kayla Olson (Sp25)
    4. Elissa Alzate (Sp27)
    5. Autumn Cole (Sp27)
    6. Kelli Snyder (Sp25)
  • ASF
    1. Sammie Eckerson (Sp25)
    2. Erica Thomas (Sp26)
    3. Michael Henderson (Sp26)
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • Council of Administrators:  Kara Lindaman
  • Students
    1. Reisa Snider
    2. Nick Wieser
  • Community Partnership Members:
    1. Engage Winona:  Vacant
    2. Visit Winona:  Kate Carlson
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Coordinator – Office of Learning & Community Engagement: Vacant
    2. Faculty Liaison: Charissa Eaton
    3. Director of Retiree Center: Jessica Kauphusman
    4. Director of Communications, Marketing and Media Relations: Andrea Northam
    5. Staff: Elissa Alzate (Office)
  • IFO
    1. Teresa Lee (Sp26)
    2. Jim Kirk (Sp26)
    3. Kayla Olson (Sp25)
    4. Laura Carolevschi (Sp24)
    5. Autumn Cole (Sp24)
    6. Kelli Snyder (Sp25)
  • ASF
    1. Deanna Goddard (Sp24)
    2. Sammie Eckerson (Sp25)
    3. Erica Thomas (Sp26)
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • Council of Administrators:  Kara Lindaman
  • Students
    1. Emma Ehlers
    2. Phoenix Crass
  • Community Partnership Members:
    1. Vacant, Engage Winona
    2. Kate Carlson, Visit Winona
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Coordinator – Office of Learning & Community Engagement: Kendra Weber
    2. Faculty Liaison: Charissa Eaton
    3. Director of Retiree Center: Jessica Kauphusman
    4. Director of Communications, Marketing and Media Relations: Andrea Northam
    5. Staff: Elissa Alzate (Office)

Long-Range Planning Committee | Advisory

Committee Charge

  • Review and proposal major long-term projects and programs related to facilities and programs at WSU and make recommendations through WSU’s shared governance process on the future direction of the university.
  • Co-Chairs: 1 selected by administration; 1 selected by committee
  • Term of Office
  • Call the first meeting


  • 6 IFO
  • 3 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 MMA
  • 2 Council of Administrators
  • 2 Students
  • Provost/VPAA Co-chair
  • 3 Ex Officio
    • IPAR Director
    • VP of Enrollment Services 
    • VP of University Advancement
  • 6 IFO
    1. Christopher Malone (Sp26)
    2. Gregory Richard (Sp25)
    3. Anquinetta Calhoun (Sp25)
    4. Kimberley Radtke (Sp27)
    5. Stephanie Sulla (Sp25)
    6. Robert Wolf (Sp26)
  • ASF
    1. Paul Stern (Sp25)
    2. Emily Meyer (Sp26)
    3. Michael Henderson (Sp26)
  • AFSCME:  Linda Waldo
  • MAPE: Lisa Kinowski
  • MMA: Kendra Weber
  • Council of Administrators
    1. Jim Goblirsch
    2. Ken Graetz, Co-Chair
  • Students
    1. Paige Howarth
    2. Madison Johannsen
  • Provost/VP Academic Affairs:  Julie Furst-Bowe
  • Ex Officio
    1. IPAR Director: Vacant
    2. VP for Enrollment Management and Student Life: Denise McDowell
    3. VP Advancement: Jon Olson
  • 6 IFO
    1. Kristi Wintheiser (Sp24)
    2. Gregory Richard (Sp25)
    3. Anquinetta Calhoun (Sp25)
    4. Kimberley Radtke (Sp25)
    5. Jennifer Timm (Sp25)
    6. Robert Wolf (Sp25)
  • ASF
    1. Sarah Olcott (FY24)
    2. Xao Vang (FY24)
    3. Paul Stern (FY25)
  • AFSCME:  Vacant
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • MMA: Kendra Weber
  • Council of Administrators
    1. Jim Goblirsch
    2. Ken Graetz, Co-Chair
  • Students
    1. Tyler Peil
    2. Alli Tetzloff
  • Provost/VP Academic Affairs:  Darrell Newton
  • Ex Officio
    1. IPAR Director: Vacant
    2. VP for Enrollment Management and Student Life: Denise McDowell
    3. VP Advancement: Jon Olson

Lyceum Committee | Operational 

Committee Charge

  • Identify noted scholars and establish programs for the Lyceum series
  • Develop publicity for the Lyceum series events
  • Plan additional events within the budget of the Lyceum Committee
  • Propose yearly budget for the Lyceum Committee on a year-to-year basis
  • Propose guidelines and policies for continuation of Lyceum series
  • Cooperate in effort to seek grants and additional funds for series continuation
  • Committee will elect a chairperson
  • Stakeholder groups are encouraged to appoint members to multiyear, staggered terms. To prevent a complete turnover in committee memberships, the following schedule is suggested: 1st year: replace 1/3 of IFO, 1 Council of Administrators, 1/3 of Students, 1 MSUAASF, 1 Coalition, 1 Community Member.
  • Art Administrator will call the first meeting


  • 6 IFO (prefer 1 from each college plus non-teaching)
  • 2 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 2 Council of Administrators
  • 4 Students
  • 1 Community Member
  • 5 Ex-Officio:
    • Grants Director
    • Public Information Director
    • VP for Enrollment Management & Student Life
    • Financial Analyst
    • Art Administrator
  • IFO (1 from each college)
    1. Kathryn Frie (Sp25)
    2. Myles Weber (Sp25)
    3. George Tawadros (Sp27)
    4. Silas Bergen (Sp26)
    5. Erika Pinter (Sp27)
    6. Joe Jackson (Sp26)
  • ASF
    1. Tyler Treptow-Bowman (Sp25)
    2. Alexandra Thompson (Sp26)
  • ASFCME: Vacant
  • MAPE: Ben Nagel
  • Council of Administrators:
    1. Scott Sorvaag
    2. Kara Lindaman
  • Students
    1. Abby Daniels
    2. Vacant
    3. Vacant
    4. Vacant
  • Community Member: Pat Mutter
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Grants Director: Tyler Treptow-Bowman
    2. Public Information Director: Andrea Northam (will call the first meeting)
    3. VP for Enrollment Management & Student Life: Denise McDowell
    4. Financial Analyst: Melissa Soppa
    5. Art Administrator: Vacant
  • Recorder: Vacant
  • IFO (one from each college)
    1. Kathryn Frie (Sp25)
    2. Myles Weber (Sp25)
    3. George Tawadros (Sp24)
    4. Silas Bergen (Sp26)
    5. Vacant
    6. Vacant
  • ASF
    1. Tyler Treptow-Bowman (FY25)
    2. Vacant
  • ASFCME: Vacant
  • MAPE: Ben Nagel
  • Council of Administrators:
    1. Scott Sorvaag
    2. Kara Lindaman
  • Students
    1. Mitchell Prosser
    2. Daniel Schulz
    3. Vacant
    4. Vacant
  • Community Member: Pat Mutter
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Grants Director: Vacant
    2. Public Information Director: Andrea Northam
    3. VP for Enrollment Management & Student Life: Denise McDowell
    4. Financial Analyst: Melissa Soppa
    5. Art Administrator: Vacant
  • Recorder: Vacant

Mental Wellness Task Force | Advisory 

Committee Charge

Mental Wellness Task Force is to assess and recommend actions to illuminate services and meet the basic wellness needs of students and employees at WSU.

The overall goals of the Mental Wellness Task Force are to ensure that WSU is:

  1. Meeting the basic mental health needs of our student and employee populations
  2. Fostering resilience
  3. Providing a healthy and supportive community in which all people can reach their potential

The Mental Wellness Task Force will review expert opinion in the context of local, regional, national and WSU-specific trends in student and employee well-being and its promotion of care using best practice to informed approach.


  • 3 IFO
  • 3 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 2 MAPE
  • 2 COA
  • 4 WSU Students
  • Ex Officio (A designee may represent them, if necessary):
    • Counseling Center Director
    • Integrated Wellness Director
    • Two Integrated Wellness Center representatives
    • Human Resources
    • AVP Rochester


  • Examine the state of student and employee wellness and mental health university-wide with attention to the needs and experiences of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students and employees. This should include:
    • careful attention to the normative personal development of students, and discussion of the faculty and university’s role in supporting it
    • comparisons to national trends and data
    • the intersection between academic and curricular policies and practices for wellness and mental health
  • Collaborate to create a mental health resource webpage with local, regional, and national resources (reference state legislation/ system office)
  • Assess wellness and mental health services and related resources available to help our student populations (JED Campus Initiative, and others) to address wellness and mental health needs, paying careful attention to the experiences and needs of diverse groups within the student population and comparison with best practices in evidence-based social-connectedness and treatment approaches
  • Review university policies and practices to identify:
    • possible barriers to access and utilization of services for students in need
    • opportunities to strengthen support
  • Make recommendations that promote the mission of the task force with respect to:
    • education, outreach, wellness, and mental health promotion
    • services and resources
    • policies and practices
    • development of an All-University Committee
  • IFO
    1. Jessica Tye
    2. Connie Metille
    3. Erika Pinter
  • ASF
    1. Emma Fuhrman
    2. Julie Kiehne
    3. Erica Thomas
    1. Joan Kauphusman
  • MAPE
    1. Serena Bohn
    2. Sarah Jackson
  • COA
    1. Denise McDowell, co-chair
    2. Vacant
  • Students (undergraduate/graduate)
    1. Paige Howarth
    2. Tim Galvin
    3. Perla Ibarra
    4. Hannah Ose
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Counseling Center Director: Kateri Johnson, co-chair
    2. Integrated Wellness Director: Vacant
    3. Integrated Wellness Center Representative: Vacant
    4. Integrated Wellness Center Representative: Eric Schoh
    5. Human Resources: Lori Reed, Lisa Zibert
    6. AVP Rochester or designated representative: Trent Dernbach
  • IFO
    1. Connie Mettille (Sp24)
    2. Erika Pinter (Sp24)
    3. Jessica Tye (Sp24)
  • ASF
    1. Danya Espinosa
    2. Amy Meyer
    3. Susan Pham
    1. Joan Kauphusman
  • MAPE
    1. Serena Bohn
    2. Vacant
  • COA
    1. Denise McDowell
    2. Vacant
  • Students (undergraduate/graduate)
    1. Payden Bainbridge
    2. Tim Galvin
    3. Alli Tetzloff
    4. Alex Kurth
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Counseling Center Director: Kateri Johnson
    2. Integrated Wellness Director: Karen Johnson
    3. Integrated Wellness Center Representative: Mark Bambenek
    4. Integrated Wellness Center Representative: Eric Schoh
    5. Human Resources: Lori Reed/Lisa Zibert
    6. AVP Rochester: Vacant

Orientation Committee | Operational 

Committee Charge

  • Review and discuss Freshman and Transfer Orientation Programs in theoretical and scholarly literature and on other campuses
  • Plan future orientation programs so as to enhance the freshman educational experience to improve retention rates
  • Recommend to the President the calendar of events to be followed during orientation period and structure to be used to assure that events take place, as well as the person or office responsible for implementation
  • The Faculty Director for Orientation will report annually to the Faculty Senate at the first meeting in May
  • The Faculty Director for Orientation will be compensated at a rate equivalent to three credits at the adjunct rate specified in the Master Contract
  • The Faculty Coordinator and Advising Services Director will serve as co-chairs
  • There is no formula for the term of office
  • The Warrior Success Center Director will call the first meeting


  • 4 IFO
  • 2 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 4 Students
  • 1 Academic Dean
  • Vice President for Student Life & Development
  • Dean of Students
  • Warrior Success Center Director
  • Faculty Director for Orientation
  • Counseling Center Representative
  • 3 Ex-Officio:
    • Student Leader Coordinator
    • Student Union Representative
    • Residence Life Representative
  • IFO
    1. Joe Jackson (Sp25)
    2. Trisha Karr (Sp25)
    3. Vacant
    4. Vacant
  • 2 ASF
    1. Rebecca Sims (Sp26)
    2. Kathy Jicinsky (Sp25)
  • AFSCME: Claudia Richard
  • MAPE: Robin Delong
  • Students
    1. Phoenix Crass
    2. Nick Wieser
    3. Lauren Elbert
    4. Vacant
  • Academic Dean:  Ken Graetz
  • VP for Student Life & Development:  Denise McDowell
  • Dean of Students: Vacant
  • Warrior Success Center Director: Ron Strege, Co-Chair will call the first meeting
  • Faculty Director for Orientation: Jessica Siebenbruner
  • Counseling Center Representative: Lynda Brzezinski (Office)
  • Ex-Officio:
    1. Student Leader Coordinator: Wayne Wicka
    2. Student Union Representative: Vacant
    3. Residence Life Representative: Candice Guenther
  • Recorder: Vacant
  • IFO
    1. Phil Dombroski (Sp24)
    2. Trisha Karr (Sp24)
    3. Jessica Siebenbruner (Sp24)
    4. Matthew Lindaman (Sp24)
  • 2 ASF
    1. Emily Meyer (FY24)
    2. Kathy Jicinsky (FY25)
  • AFSCME: Claudia Richard
  • MAPE: Robin Delong
  • Students
    1. Mitchell Prosser
    2. Paige Howarth
    3. Madison Palmerton
    4. Elly Herrick
  • Academic Dean:  Ken Graetz
  • VP for Student Life & Development:  Denise McDowell
  • Dean of Students: Karen Johnson
  • Warrior Success Center Director: Ron Strege, Co-Chair 
  • Faculty Director for Orientation: Vacant
  • Counseling Center Representative: Lynda Brzezinski (Office)
  • Ex-Officio:
    1. Student Leader Coordinator: Wayne Wicka
    2. Student Union Representative: George Micalone
    3. Residence Life Representative: Candice Guenther
  • Recorder: Vacant

Professional & Leadership Development Task Force | Advisory & Support


Professional and leadership development provides employees opportunities to build relationships, enhance skillsets, and envision individual career paths.

This training and development will empower employees to contribute to a university workplace, culture, and mission that values learning, improving our world, and the health of our university community.

Committee Charge

This taskforce is charged with recommending a framework of professional development and leadership development opportunities that enhance the WSU employee experience.

Operating Guidelines 

The taskforce will be co-chaired by the CHRO and an elected member of the taskforce. CHRO will call the first meeting.

Taskforce will meet bi-weekly.

Committee or Taskforce Type 

Taskforce – A group to complete a specific task or set of recommendations and work is to be completed within a definitive timeline.

Primary Tasks

  • The taskforce is asked to provide insight in the following areas to guide the strategies used to form the professional and leadership development framework:
  • Identify and document current training resources and programs.
    • Internal resources available within WSU/MinnState/MMB.
    • Training and development programs currently utilized by WSU departments/programs.
  • Identify certified trainers or facilitators among our employees.
  • Identify and document the university’s general and specialized training and development needs.
    • Gather employee feedback through focus groups, surveys, etc.
    • Gather supervisor/leader feedback through focus groups, surveys, etc.
  • Research programs that could provide university-wide development opportunities that will influence overall university culture. (Example: Crucial Learning)
  • Recommend to Cabinet a framework for WSU professional and leadership development programming and an implementation strategy.
  • Recommend to Cabinet a timeline and process for continued assessment of the professional and leadership development framework to address future changes to our work.
  • 3 IFO
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
    3. Vacant
  • 1 AFSCME
    1. Claudia Richard
  • 3 ASF
    1. Sarah Olcott
    2. Susan Pham
    3. Jillian Quandt
  • 1 MAPE
    1. Aurea Osgood
  • 2 MMA
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
  • 1 COA
    1. Denise McDowell
  • CHRO
    1. Lori Reed, Co-Chair
  • Ex Officio (voting)
    1. Director of ACE, Heather Dieterman
    2. Director of TLT, Ken Graetz

Membership Expectations

Attend and actively engage in meetings. Research information as determined.

  • 3 IFO
    • Barbara Holmes
    • Sky Niesen Smith
    • George Tawadros
  • 1 AFSCME
    • Claudia Richard
  • 3 ASF
    • Sarah Olcott
    • Susan Pham
    • Jill Quandt
  • 1 MAPE
    • Jill Bradley
  • 2 MMA
    • Vacant
    • Vacant
  • 1 COA
    • Denise McDowell
  • CHRO
    • Lori Reed, Co-Chair
  • Ex Officio (voting)
    • Director of ACE, Heather Dieterman
    • Director of TLT, Ken Graetz

Membership Expectations:

Attend and actively engage in meetings. Research information as determined.

Research & Creative Achievement Day Committee | Operational 


Research and Creative Achievement Day and Ramaley Celebration has grown to cover a wide range of activities including opportunities such as research poster sessions, virtual presentation sessions, performance and creative scholarship sessions, faculty symposium, and early years research and creative mentoring presentations sessions. A more mature and systemic institutional practice is needed to organize and manage the event.

Committee Charge

Research and Creative Achievement Day Committee will organize and manage the Research and Creative Achievement Day and Ramaley Celebration. 

Operating Guidelines

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will call the first meeting and the administrative assistant to the provost will provide managerial support to the committee. 

Recommendations of the committee will go to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Committee or Taskforce Type

Operational Committee – A group to provide support for a university event or task.

Primary Tasks

The committee will: 

  • Review and set the date for the event;
  • Reserve facilities to host the event;
  • Collect information needed to support the event;
  • Oversee and maintain the website and supporting technologies used for the event;
  • Submit information to Technology and Learning Technology (TLT) for AV and technology needs for the event;
  • Create a call for participation, build the solicitation, and review process for activities sponsored for the event;
  • Plan and coordinate the main events;
  • Promote and work with distinct departments to promote events;
  • Encourage faculty, student, staff, administrative and the greater Winona community participation;
  • Oversee, facilitate, and assist during and prior to the Ramaley Celebration poster and oral sessions on the day of the event. Facilitate and assist with clean up after the event is completed;
  • Coordinate student groups to assist with the event;
  • Coordinate and communicate with the entity responsible for the online schedule and the preservation the RCA Day’s events and content;
  • Collaborate and communicate with WSU marketing and campus and community communication teams (e.g., news outlets, radio stations) to promote the event.
  • Coordinate and collaborate with WSU-Rochester groups when planning and preparing event timelines, schedules, program submissions, and communication; and
  • Develop and disseminate event materials (e.g., Programs).
  • 7 IFO
    1. Amanda Brouwer (Sp26)
    2. Begum Aybar-Damali (Sp25)
    3. Kendall Larson (Sp27)
    4. Thomas Nalli (Sp27)
    5. Adam Beardsley (Sp25)
    6. Amanda Pruka (Sp26)
    7. Violet Yoon (Sp27)
  • 2 ASF
    1. Laura McCauley (Sp25)
    2. Vacant
  • 1 AFSCME
    1. Renee Stowell
  • 1 MAPE
    1. Vacant
  • 2 COA
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
  • 2 WSU Student Association Members
    1. Jacob Gareis
    2. Andrew Ruhland
  • 5 Ex-Officio
    1. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs: Julie Furst-Bowe
    2. Administrative Assistant to the Provost (managerial support for the committee): Dana Engel
    3. Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of the Library, and CIO: Robin Honken
    4. Director of Teaching, Learning and Technology Services: Ken Graetz
    5. Digital Collections Librarian: Vacant
    6. Graduate Student Experience Committee Representative: Vacant

Membership Expectations:

Contribute to the organization and management of the event.

Examples of past work:

  • Ramaley Research Celebration – Poster Sessions which were mostly in person and some pre-recorded (online during COVID) – WSUFA Ramaley Celebration Planning Committee
    • Student in person poster sessions
    • Pre-recorded student presentations
    • Round table presentations
    • Online student live student presentations
    • Faculty Presentations (note: students are the main focus of this day)
  • Community Creative Achievement Day – coordinated by Graduate Student Experience Committee – Rochester focus.
    • Online student live presentations
    • Keynote speaker
  • Early Year Research & Creative Mentoring – Coordinated by Grants & Sponsored Projects Office
  • 7 IFO
    1. Amanda Brouwer (Sp24)
    2. Eric Kerr-Anderson (Sp24)
    3. Kendall Larson (Sp24)
    4. Thomas Nalli (Sp24)
    5. Trung Nguyen (Sp24)
    6. Amanda Pruka (Sp24)
    7. Karen Schroeder (Sp24)
  • 2 ASF
    1. DeAnna Goddard
    2. Laura McCauley (Sp25)
  • 1 AFSCME
    1. Vacant
  • 1 MAPE
    1. Vacant
  • 2 COA
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
  • 2 WSU Student Association Members
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
  • 5 Ex-Officio
    1. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs: Darrell Newton
    2. Administrative Assistant to the Provost (managerial support for the committee): Theresa Nelsestuen
    3. Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of the Library, and CIO: Robin Honken
    4. Director of Teaching, Learning and Technology Services: Ken Graetz
    5. Digital Collections Librarian: Vacant
    6. Graduate Student Experience Committee Representative: Vacant

Safety Committee | Mandated

Committee Charge

  • Meet at least quarterly to review accident/worker’s compensation reports.
  • Support safety program and review and recommend safety policies.
  • Act as advisory unit for appointing authority.
  • Chairperson to be appointed by appointing authority
  • There is no formula for the terms of office for the appointed and Coalition members
  • Council of Administrators will call the first meeting


  • 1 IFO
  • 1 ASF
  • 4 AFSCME (one from each bargaining unit)
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 Council of Administrators
  • 1 Student
  • 1 Coalition
  • Safety Director
  • Physical Plant Director
  • Director of Security
  • 4 members appointed by the President
  • 2 Ex-Officio:
    • Human Resources Director (or Designee)
    • State Safety Committee representative
  • IFO: Bryan Matera (Sp25)
  • ASF: Wayne Wicka (Sp25)
    1. Bob Olson (Unit 2)
    2. Vacant (Unit 3)
    3. Vacant (Unit 6)
    4. Kristi Gudmundson (Unit 7)
  • MAPE: Matt Rink
  • Council of Administrators: Mohamed Ahmed
  • Student: Reisa Snider
  • Coalition: Perry Tibesar
  • Safety Director: Erin Paulson, Chair will call the first meeting
  • Assistant VP for Facilities Management: James Goblirsch
  • Director of Security: Christopher Cichosz
  • President’s Appointees:
    1. James Danneker
    2. Jeff Reinardy
    3. Ann Durley
    4. Vacant
  • Ex-Officio: Human Resources Director (or Designee)
    1. Lori Reed
    2. Jessica Wenzel
  • State Safety Committee Representative: Vacant
  • Recorder: Erin Paulson
  • IFO: Bryan Matera (Sp24)
  • ASF: Wayne Wicka
    1. Bob Olson (Unit 2)
    2. Vacant (Unit 3)
    3. Pattie Thompson (Unit 6)
    4. Kristi Gudmundson (Unit 7)
  • MAPE: Matt Rink
  • Council of Administrators: Karen Johnson
  • Student: Jack O’Connor
  • Coalition: Perry Tibesar
  • Safety Director: Erin Paulson, Chair 
  • Assistant VP for Facilities Management: James Goblirsch
  • Director of Security: Christopher Cichosz
  • President’s Appointees:
    1. James Danneker
    2. Jeff Reinardy
    3. Ann Durley
    4. Vacant
  • Ex-Officio: Human Resources Director (or Designee)
    1. Lori Reed
    2. Jessica Wenzel
  • State Safety Committee Representative: Vacant
  • Recorder: Erin Paulson

Sexual Violence Advisory Committee | Mandated 

Committee Charge

  • The mission of the Sexual Violence Advisory Committee is to assist in creating a safe campus environment.
    • The Committee shall review Federal and State statutes, and campus policies and procedures for handling cases of sexual violence.
    • The Committee shall develop a plan to make accessible to students, staff and faculty information on policies and procedures relevant to sexual violence, and on services and resources available to survivors of sexual violence.
    • The Committee shall make specific implementation recommendations to the university constituency groups for educational programs and preventative measures regarding sexual assault and sexual harassment.
  • Committee will elect a chairperson
  • Term of Office: 2 years
  • The previous year’s chairperson will call the first meeting of the academic year


  • 5 IFO
  • 3 ASF
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 Council of Administrators
  • 1-4 Students
  • Director of Affirmative Action/Equity and Legal Affairs
  • 1 Recorder
  • 3 Ex-Officio representatives:
    • 1 Health Services
    • 1 Housing and Residence Life
    • 1 Security
  • IFO
    1. Mary Jo Klinker (Sp26)
    2. Doyle Pruitt (Sp25)
    3. Samantha Keasling (Sp26)
    4. Elizabeth Zold (Sp25)
    5. Vacant
  • ASF:
    1. Kateri Johnson (Sp25)
    2. Tre Rusert (Sp26)
    3. Vacant
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • AFSCME: Nicole Norman
  • Council of Administrators:  Denise McDowell
  • Students:
    1. Freshman:  Vacant
    2. Sophomore: Phoenix Crass
    3. Junior: Kendra McClure
    4. Senior: Vacant
    5. At-Large: Vacant
    6. At-Large: Vacant
  • Director of Affirmative Action/Equity and Legal Affairs: Lori Mikl
  • Ex-Officio Representatives:
    1. Health Service: Connie Kamara
    2. Housing & Residence Life: Sarah Olcott
    3. Security: Christopher Cichosz
  • IFO
    1. Michelle Keller (Sp24)
    2. Mary Jo Klinker (Sp24)
    3. Sky Niesen Smith (Sp24)
    4. Doyle Pruitt (Sp25)
    5. Emily Santi (Sp25)
  • ASF:
    1. Alexis Green (FY24)
    2. Kateri Johnson (FY25)
    3. Tre Rusert (Sp26)
  • MAPE: Jill Bradley
  • AFSCME: Nicole Norman
  • Council of Administrators:  Eric Schoh
  • Students:
    1. Freshman:  Vacant
    2. Sophomore: Phoebe DeBates
    3. Junior: Reisa Snider
    4. Senior: Madisen Palmerton
    5. At-Large: Vacant
    6. At-Large: Vacant
  • Director of Affirmative Action/Equity and Legal Affairs: Lori Mikl
  • Ex-Officio Representatives:
    1. Health Service: Connie Kamara
    2. Housing & Residence Life: Sarah Olcott
    3. Security: Christopher Cichosz

Student Conduct & Citizenship Committee | Mandated

Committee Charge

  • Ensure due process
  • Hear and investigate charges against student(s) of the University community that are brought forward by the Director of Student Conduct & Citizenship
  • Hear appeals that are referred by the Director of Student Conduct & Citizenship
  • Ensure that the student(s) rights are protected
  • Determine if the student(s) rights were violated
  • Make recommendations regarding disciplinary sanctions, when appropriate, to the Director of Student Conduct & Citizenship or their designee
  • Committee will elect a chairperson
  • All faculty/staff members and two student members, from any grade level, will serve a two-year term
    • Four students, one from each grade level, will serve a minimum one-year term
    • The Director of Student Conduct & Citizenship (or their designee) will serve as an ex-officio member
  • Director of Affirmative Action/Equity & Legal Affairs will call the first meeting.


  • 3 IFO
  • 2 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 6 Students (1 from each grade level, 2 from any grade level)
  • Director of Affirmative Action
  • 2 Ex-Officio: Director of Student Conduct & Citizenship, Dean of Students
  • IFO
    1. Douglas Dallier (Sp25)
    2. Vacant
    3. Vacant
  • ASF
    1. Kateri Johnson (Sp25)
    2. Emily Meyer (Sp26)
  • AFSCME: Joan Kauphusman
  • Students
    1. Freshman:  Vacant
    2. Sophomore: Olivia Johnson
    3. Junior: Vacant
    4. Senior: Tim Galvin
    5. At Large: Jasmine Onyancha
    6. At Large: Vacant
  • Director of Affirmative Action/Equity and Legal Affairs: Lori Mikl
  • Ex-Officio:
    1. Director of Student Conduct Citizenship: Vacant
    2. Dean of Students: Vacant
  • Recorder: Vacant
  • IFO
    1. Douglas Dallier (Sp25)
    2. Michael Klein (Sp24)
    3. Edward Guernica (Sp24)
  • ASF
    1. Sammie Eckerson (FY24)
    2. Kateri Johnson (FY25)
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • Students
    1. Freshman:  Phoenix Crass
    2. Sophomore: Phoebe DeBates
    3. Junior: Reisa Snider
    4. Senior: Madisen Palmerton
    5. At Large: Max DeLuca
    6. At Large: Sophia Crowe
  • Director of Affirmative Action/Equity and Legal Affairs: Lori Mikl
  • Ex-Officio:
    1. Director of Student Conduct Citizenship: Vacant
    2. Dean of Students: Karen Johnson
  • Recorder: Vacant

Sustainability Committee | Advisory 

Committee Charge

  • Serve as an advisory body, providing university-wide support and resources for building a strong culture of sustainability at WSU
  • Specifically, the Sustainability Committee coordinates the Student Green Fee project proposal and review process and makes recommendations for funding and implementation to WSU Administration
  • The Sustainability Committee and its subcommittees are encouraged to invite guests to participate in meetings and provide information, drawing on campus and community expertise whenever appropriate
  • The Sustainability Director and Sustainability Studies Program Director serve as co-chairs of the Sustainability Committee. The Sustainability Director will call the first meeting each year.
  • Term of membership is three years (except students).  Terms will be staggered to help provide stability and continuity.


  • 5 IFO
  • 2 ASF
  • 2 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 Administrator
  • 5 Students
  • 1 Community Member
  • 6 Ex-Officio:
    • Sustainability Director
    • Sustainability Studies Program Director
    • 1 Facilities Representative
    • 1 Business Office Representative
    • 1 Dining Services Representative
    • 1 Advancement Representative
  • IFO:
    1. Krishna Roka (Sp27)
    2. Anne Vande Berg (Sp25)
    3. Pingping Zhang (Sp25)
    4. Vacant
    5. Vacant
  • ASF:
    1. Sarah Olcott (Sp26)
    2. Sammie Eckerson (Sp27)
    1. Jenna Lowe
    2. Vacant
  • MAPE: Nathan Anderson
  • Administrator: Nicole Williams
  • Students:
    1. Brennan Wallace
    2. Emma Haugen
    3. Mercedes Cooper
    4. Leah Ramsey
    5. Dylan Anderson
  • Community Member: Paul Schollmeier
  • Ex-Officios
    1. Sustainability Director: Vacant
    2. Sustainability Studies Program Director: Jeanne Franz will call the first meeting
    3. Facilities Representative: Jim Goblirsch
    4. Business Office Representative: Beth Comero
    5. Dining Services Representative: Vacant
    6. Advancement Representative: Telsa Mitchell
  • IFO:
    1. Krishna Roka (Sp24)
    2. Anne Vande Berg (Sp25)
    3. Pingping Zhang (Sp25)
    4. Vacant
    5. Vacant
  • ASF:
    1. Sarah Olcott
    2. Sammie Eckerson (Sp27)
    1. Vacant
    2. Vacant
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • Administrator: Nicole Williams
  • Students:
    1. Garrett Haugen
    2. Alex Kurth
    3. Malia Hermerding
    4. Emma Haugen
    5. Eli Hovorka
  • Community Member: Paul Schollmeier
  • Ex-Officios
    1. Sustainability Director: Nathan Engstrom
    2. Sustainability Studies Program Director: Jeanne Franz
    3. Facilities Representative: Jim Goblirsch
    4. Business Office Representative: Beth Comero
    5. Dining Services Representative: Vacant
    6. Advancement Representative: Telsa Mitchell

University Policy Committee 

Committee Charge

The Winona State University Policy Committee is a standing committee of the University.

Its role is to help ensure that new or revised University policies follow an approved format and process and are approved by the appropriate or assigned University Officer.


  • 3 IFO
  • 2 ASF
  • 1 AFSCME
  • 1 MAPE
  • 1 MMA
  • 2 Council of Administrators
  • 4 Students (one graduate student, if possible)
  • 4 Ex-Officio:
    • Provost or Designee
    • Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Life or Designee
    • Director of Human Resources or Designee
    • Legal Affairs
  • IFO
    1. Craig Upright, (Sp25) Co-Chair
    2. Lawrence Schrenk (Sp25)
    3. Vacant
  • ASF
    1. Justin Loehr
    2. Tyler Treptow-Bowman
  • AFSCME: Brenna Curry
  • MAPE: Vacant
  • MMA: Vacant
  • Council of Administrators
    1. Ken Graetz
    2. Brian Zeller
  • 4 Students:
    1. Austin Morris
    2. Abbey Daniels
    3. Vacant
    4. Vacant
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Provost: Julie Furst-Bowe
    2. Vice President for Student Life & Development or Designee: Denise McDowell
    3. Director of Human Resources: Lori Reed
    4. Legal Affairs: Lori Mikl
  • IFO
    1. Jason Kight (Sp24)
    2. Craig Upright, (Sp24) Co-Chair
    3. Vacant
  • ASF
    1. Tyler Treptow-Bowman (FY24)
    2. Gabriel Lindo-Ardila
  • AFSCME: Vacant
  • MAPE: Tobias Schmidt
  • MMA: Vacant
  • Council of Administrators
    1. Ted Reilly
    2. Ken Graetz
  • 4 Students:
    1. Emma Ehlers
    2. Max DeLuca
    3. Vacant
    4. Vacant
  • Ex-Officio
    1. Provost: Darrell Newton
    2. Vice President for Student Life & Development or Designee: Karen Johnson
    3. Director of Human Resources: Lori Reed
    4. Legal Affairs: Lori Mikl