
Arts & Entertainment

Who’s up for a study break? You’ll find entertainment options all year-round to suit a variety of interests.

WSU is a campus for creators to play, perform, produce, and perfect their art—whatever that may be.

Don’t worry if you aren’t much of an artist. Anyone can enjoy a beautiful painting, an intriguing melody, or a riveting story. So, what are you waiting for?

Explore New Ideas
At WSU, learning isn’t limited to the classroom. While professors choose the lecture topics in class, you can explore new ideas on your own through lecture series on campus throughout the year.

The Duran Family Speaker Series speakers and guest lecture presentations include subjects like:

  • Geoscience, math, and other sciences
  • Cultural diversity and social awareness
  • Arts, literature, pop culture, and more
Bill Nye answers questions during a speaking event on WSU campus.

Whatever your passion or lecture topic outside of class, check out these guest speaking events you won’t find anywhere else. The best part? They’re free!