Homecoming is a time for students, staff, and alumni to come together and celebrate what makes us Warriors.
WSU Homecoming 2024 celebrations start on Oct. 7 and ends with Homecoming weekend events on Oct. 10-12.
There are activities and campus traditions for students all week long with events such as the lip sync, Kryzsko After Dark, and a major campus speaker plus events for alumni.
Stop by a sales table on Sept. 30-Oct. 4 and Oct. 7-11 from 12-2 at the Gazebo (or Kryzsko Commons Lower Hyphen if inclement weather).
You can also purchase t-shirts from the Warrior Entertainment Network office in Kryzsko Commons when not outside.

The week is full of exciting activities for the entire campus, with traditional events like:
- Lip Sync & Royalty Coronation
- Major Campus Speaker
- Kryzsko After Dark
- Outdoor Rec Day
- Parade
- Warrior Game Day Experience

New this year is a team competition. Form a team of 10-30 students and participate in activities such as:
- Lip Sync
- Display Decorating
- Field Day
- Where’s Wazoo Campus Hunt
- 3 Point Shooting
- High Ropes Crate Stacking

The annual Homecoming Parade has a new route through the Winona State campus:
- start outside Somsen Hall (8th & Johnson Streets)
- weave past the Gazebo
- go up the street between the Richards-Conway residence halls and the Science Laboratory Center (Winona & Wabasha Streets)
Spectators must stay on the grass along the designated parade route. Bathrooms are available in Kryzsko Commons, Memorial Hall, and Maxwell Hall.
Please help us maintain an Alcohol, Drug, and Smoke Free Campus.

Alumni Events
Alumni are invited to return to WSU, relive the memories, make new connections, and celebrate with fellow Warriors during Homecoming.
Join in on the usual Homecoming traditions like the athletic events and the parade, and enjoy special events to celebrate alumni.
Alumni Events Schedule
Some events require tickets to be purchased or reservations to attend.
Each year at Homecoming, WSU recognizes individuals for their outstanding commitment to the University, to its mission, and to improving our world.
Do you know an alum who embodies the Warrior Spirit? Consider nominating them today!
Athletic Events
Get into the Warrior spirit and cheer on our athletics teams at a home game during Homecoming Weekend.
Kryzsko Commons 126