Sociology & Criminal Justice Student Resources

These resources will help you successfully navigate through the programs we offer. 


Student Clubs

The WSU Criminal Justice Club strives to provide students experience with the criminal justice system locally, nationally, and outside of a classroom setting. In addition, the Criminal Justice Club seeks to build ties with the community through volunteer work, as well as provide employment opportunities and information for future WSU Graduates.

The club is full of people who have similar career interests. Members in good standing can earn benefits like free food, entertainment, and memorabilia. The club teamwork principles are similar to criminal justice agencies. The club also serves as a collective voice for criminal justice students at Winona State. The club is in touch with the needs of students and wants to make sure those needs are met.

The Criminal Justice Club is always looking for new and committed members who will contribute time and energy to the club and to the field of criminal justice. Those interested in becoming a member only need to attend meetings.

Scholarships & Student Loan Forgiveness

In addition to the general scholarships at WSU, students in the Criminal Justice programs and Sociology program can apply for many scholarships from the WSU Foundation.

Apply for WSU Foundation Scholarships

Students who have chosen to work full-time in public service jobs may qualify for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. This program forgives student loans after 120 qualifying payments have been made on Direct Loans.

Research Links & Organizations

Students in the Geography program can explore the field through: 

Contact the Sociology & Criminal Justice Department
Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice
Minne Hall 228


Email the Sociology & Criminal Justice Department
Mark Norman
Department Chair
Email Mark Norman
Dr. Rafael Narvaez
Sociology Program Coordinator
Email Dr. Rafael Narvaez
Hannah Herrera
Office Manager

Minne Hall 212


Email Hannah Herrera