
Nursing & Health Sciences Academic Departments

The College of Nursing & Health Sciences offers quality undergraduate and graduate programs in Nursing, Health & Exercise Science, Health Administration, Recreation, Therapeutic Recreation, Tourism, and Social Work.

Dean’s Welcome

Our College provides our students with exceptional opportunities to grow and learn in a rich community environment. 

We have a strong commitment to academic excellence and our outstanding faculty support our students in their journeys to achieving their career goals through innovative approaches to learning. 

Our graduates are eagerly sought by employers upon graduation, due to their skill, caring, and integrity that they bring to the workplace.

Brian Zeller (PhD)
College of Nursing & Health Sciences Dean

Stark 301A

Email Brian Zeller
Graduate Nursing
The Graduate Nursing Department offers graduate and doctorate programs for those looking to advance their nursing careers. 
Graduate Nursing Department
A group of students work together on a project in a nursing classroom at WSU.
Health, Exercise, & Rehabilitative Sciences
Through the HERS Department, students grow into caring, innovative professionals in the fields of athletic training, exercise science, public health, and more. 
HERS Department
Two WSU students work with a young man in the WSU Athletic Training facility.
Healthcare Leadership & Administration
The Healthcare Leadership & Administration Department offers programs for those who want to become healthcare leaders in a rapidly growing field.
Healthcare Leadership & Administration Department
A WSU student has a conversation with a patient and a practitioner while at a clinical site.
Recreation, Tourism & Therapeutic Recreation
Students in the RTTR Department are prepared to work in a variety of settings, from non-profit agencies, federal programs, to rehabilitation centers. 
RTTR Department
Three students wave and smile while they canoe together on Lake Winona.
Social Work
The Social Work Department offers accredited bachelor’s and master’s degrees, with multiple delivery methods to meet your academic and professional goals. 
Social Work Department
Three students sitting on a couch with a laptop and textbook in front of them.
Undergraduate Nursing
Start your nursing career with the Department of Undergraduate Nursing where you’ll gain the essential skills and experiences to be successful as a registered nurse.
Department of Undergraduate Nursing
Two nursing students interact with a mannikin in the WSU Simulation Lab.