Administrative & Service Faculty
Administrative and Service Faculty (ASF) is a collective bargaining unit whose members are non-teaching academic service providers.
ASF employees work at the seven Minnesota State Universities in departments such as admissions, advising, cultural diversity, financial aid, fundraising, grants, health services, institutional research, intramurals, program administration, registrar office, residential life, student affairs, student services, student union and sports information.
We are affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 320.
Here are a few important links:
- 2023-2025 Master Contract (PDF)
- WSU ASF Constitution (PDF)
- ASF State Website
- MN Teamsters Service Bureau
- Position Allocation System Training
- Seniority Roster – Contact HR if you believe there is an error in the seniority roster
All ASF full-share members are invited to attend luncheon meetings on the last Tuesday of every month, except June.
Meeting minutes are emailed to all full-share members.
The ASF Executive Board meets with Administration monthly to keep open communication between the University and ASF membership.
Meeting minutes are emailed to all full-share members.
Committees & Task Forces
Full-share ASF members may volunteer to serve on all-university committees and task forces. Some people are assigned as ex-officio members.
As a committee member, you are expected to represent ASF interests, report to the general membership on committee activities, and solicit feedback from members as needed.
Use the ASF Additional Assignment/Honorarium Worksheet (PDF) to begin the process for requesting funds for additional duties and/or projects where you should be provided additional compensation.
The Sabbaticals Policy (PDF) details the application process for sabbatical leave.
The Special Initiative Awards Policy & Procedure (PDF) provides details about eligibility, award criteria and procedure for the Special Initiative Awards.
Submit a Special Initiative Award (SIA) Application (PDF).
The Emeritus Nomination Policy (PDF) details the steps involved in making a nomination for emeritus status.
Submit the Emeritus Status Nomination Form (PDF).
Review the ASF Position Descriptions (PDF) packet for details about the process of writing an Unclassified Position Description.
Use the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) template (PDF).