ASF Funding Opportunities

The ASF Master Contract offers funding opportunities for employees’ professional development, additional projects and assignments, and retirement incentives.

Professional Development

All ASF members are annually allocated professional development funds to pay for activities such as travel to conferences, memberships, and materials. 

Supervisors may not direct ASF employees to use these funds for university-required administrative travel. 

The Master Contract (PDF) provides a complete list of eligible expenses. The bylaws in the WSU ASF Constitution (PDF) explain how funds are allocated.

There are additional funds ASF members may apply for. 

Exceptional Achievement Program

Exceptional Achievement Incentive Program provides ASF Members with an incentive to attain high achievement in several areas. This program is based on the principles of demonstrated consistent high performance and achievement. 

If awards are to be considered in a fiscal year, budget will be made available at the beginning of the fiscal year. The appointing authority will determine the form and amount of award if options are available by contract. 

Exceptional Achievement Program Application (PDF)

Additional Assignments

ASF members who do at least one of the below are eligible for additional compensation:

  • take on a special assignment
  • are assigned additional responsibilities (for 6 weeks or longer) not covered by their position description
  • are assigned on an acting or interim basis to a position in a higher range
  • teach a class

Before accepting additional responsibilities, please consult with a local steward. The Master Contract (PDF) describes these situations in Article 12, Salaries, Section I.

Special Initiative Awards

ASF members may apply for SIA stipends of up to $5,000 to complete “a special initiative that is of benefit to the University, its mission and/or the Minnesota State system.” 

Talk to your supervisors to see if funds are available. 

Regulation 3-36 (PDF) includes the Special Initiative Award Application Form (PDF). 

Retirement Incentives

Early Notice Incentive (ENI)

ASF members who meet certain conditions and give early notice of separation may be eligible for a salary increase for the remainder of their employment. 

The Master Contract (PDF) describes these situations in Article 12, Salaries, Section O.

Separation Incentive

ASF members who meet certain conditions and retire between age 55-65 may be eligible for a lump sum separation incentive. 

The Master Contract (PDF) describes these situations in Article 16, Severance Pay and Health Care savings Plan, Section E. 

Contact ASF

Justin Loehr

Memorial Hall 131

Email Justin Loehr
Rebecca Sims
Grievance Officer

Kryzsko Commons 125

Email Rebecca Sims
Joe Hammes
Membership Coordinator

Somsen Hall 205I

Email Joe Hammes