Math & Statistics Student Resources
WSU’s Math & Statistics Department supplements our students classroom education with a variety of resources.
From department events, field trips, scholarships, calculator rentals, and helpful links, we’re here to make sure you have everything you need to succeed.
Calculator Rentals
The Math/Stats Department provides free semester-long calculator rentals to students in MATH or STAT courses that require a TI-84 or TI-89.
Contact the office manager in 152 Gildemeister Hall or call 507.457.5370 to learn more.
In addition to the general scholarships at WSU, students in the Math & Statistics programs can apply for many scholarships from the WSU Foundation.
Apply for WSU Foundation Scholarships
Department Events
This event is open to all. Hear how students, faculty, and professionals in industry are solving interesting problems in mathematics, statistics and mathematics education. Free pop and cookies!
Seminars: 12-12:50pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month
Location: Gildemeister 155
Contact Steve Leonhardi for more info.
Famous professionals from the fields of Mathematics, Statistics, Math Education and Data Science visit WSU and give presentations intended for a general audience.
Date: TBA
Location: WSU campus
Contact Steve Leonhardi for more info.
Bring a friend or three to a free dinner provided by Math/Stat Department. Come and have fun hanging out with other WSU students and faculty.
When: Early February
Location: Holzinger Lodge
Contact Lee Windsperger for more info.
Department students share their project posters and presentations at this university-wide celebration of undergraduate research by WSU students.
When: Early February
Location: Holzinger Lodge
Contact Lee Windsperger for more info.
Come have fun with students and faculty from the Mathematics and Statistics Department.
Meetings: 12-12:50pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month
Location: Gildemeister 329
Contact April Kerby-Helm for more info.
Come enjoy a cook-out and great food with other students, department majors and faculty before finals begin.
When: Late April
Location: Lake Park in Winona
Contact April Kerby-Helm for more info.
The banquet recognizes award and scholarship recipients, department honors and distinguished graduating students, and the induction of students into Pi Mu Epsilon and Mu Sigma Rho.
When: Late April
Location: Kryzsko Commons
Contact Lee Windsperger for more info.
Early November | WSU Campus
Teams of three work on challenging math problems. WSU teams compete against students from schools throughout Minnesota, the eastern Dakotas, and southern Canada.
Practices start in October.
Contact Jake Duncan for more info.
First Saturday in December | WSU Campus
Individual national mathematics competition. Typical national median score is 0 out of 120. Come challenge yourself!
Participants from WSU complete the exam on campus throughout the day.
Practices start in October.
Contact Jake Duncan for more info.
Mid-April | WSU Campus
Teams of students work for 24 hours to unearth meaning from big data to answer questions for the competition’s industry partner.
Contact Chris Malone for more info.
Experienced Minnesota teachers share their expertise with fellow teachers during the 50 talks and sessions at the Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics Fall Conference.
When: Mid-October
Location: Rotating sites within Minnesota
Contact Nicole Williams for more info.
Students present research projects, meet fellow students, and hear about new mathematics at the Fall Conference of the North Central Section of the Mathematical Association of America.
When: Mid-October
Location: Rotating sites within Minnesota
Contact Eric Errthum for more info.
Undergraduate students present their research and hear about new mathematical ideas during this two-day conference. Multiple simultaneous sessions and the “Math Face-Off” game make this conference fun for potential and experienced majors.
When: Early November
Location: St. Norbert College (De Pere, WI)
Contact Joyati Debnath for more info.
Undergraduate women learn about careers, graduate schools, REUs and research projects in mathematics and statistics at this three-day conference.
When: Late January
Location: University of Nebraska (Lincoln, NE)
Contact April Kerby-Helm for more info.
At this undergraduate mathematics and statistics conference, students can present projects and learn new mathematics from keynote speakers and students.
When: Mid-April
Location: College of St. Benedict / Saint John’s University (Collegeville, MN)
Contact Aaron Wangberg for more info.
Teachers from throughout Minnesota high schools and two-year colleges share their expertise with fellow teachers at this conference held in Duluth. This is a great experience for future teachers.
When: Late April
Location: Rotating sites within Minnesota
Contact Nicole Williams for more info.
Students present their undergraduate or REU research and compete for cash awards at the national conference of the Mathematical Association of America. WSU travel funds possibly available.
When: Early August
Location: A major metropolitan area in the U.S.
Contact your research advisor for information.
Visits & Fairs
Fall Assessment Day
Take a trip to learn how mathematics and statistics is used in industry. Past industry visits have included 3M, Medtronic, Mayo Clinic, and Target. Highly recommended by past graduates!
Contact Chris Malone for more info.
Veteran’s Day
Visit a regional graduate school with programs in both Statistics and Mathematics.
Chat with grad students and faculty, learn about projects, and funding.
Sophomores and Juniors are encouraged to attend.
Contact Chris Malone for more info.
Late February | WSU Campus or St. Mary’s Campus
Be a judge and evaluate high school science projects by students from southeast Minnesota and western Wisconsin.
This is a great experience for future teachers and looks great on a resume. Student judges are needed!
Contact Tisha Hooks for more information.
- SAGE (open-source mathematics software)
- SageMathCloud (online version of SAGE)
- Wolfram Alpha
- Getting Started with LaTeX — Online Guide
- List of Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) in the Mathematical Sciences
- Journals that publish student research papers
Find summer research experiences with these lists maintained by national professional organizations: