Damage & Theft

Students are responsible for any accidental damages, loss, or theft of their laptop that isn’t covered by the manufacturer’s warranty or damage and theft protection. 

Damaged Laptops

Nearly 33% of WSU students damage their laptop or its accessories every year. Most of these damages are from spills, which can cost hundreds of dollars to repair.

Students are responsible for accidental damage or lost components—even if the damage is caused by others. 

You will be assessed fees as detailed in the eWarrior Technology Agreement

  • Fees are not charged for repairs covered by warranty
  • Fees will be charged for damage such as cracked casings, broken screens, and liquid spills
  • Fees increase incrementally with each incident during the two-year lease period

Students will be charged the exact amount of the repair for minor incidents such as a crack in the case or a broken keyboard. 

Students may obtain permission to have their laptop repaired by an authorized repair center outside of WSU. However, this permission must be granted prior to the repair.

You can choose to purchase the optional Laptop Guard Damage & Theft protection plan for laptops and power cords, which protects against:

  • accidental damage
  • liquid spills and submersion
  • power surge
  • 100% parts and labor
  • theft
Stolen Laptops

Report stolen laptops to local law enforcement authorities within 5 days of the incident and request a copy of the police report. 

Turn in a copy of the police report to the Technical Support Center, and you will receive a replacement laptop.

Per the eWarrior Technology Agreement, a fee of $500 will be charged to your account if the theft is not covered by Laptop Guard.

Laptop Guard Protection

Why risk dropping, spilling, or damaging your laptop? Protect your device with Laptop Guard Damage & Theft Protection Plan.

Laptop Guard covers theft and accidental or unforeseeable damages including:

  • cracked screen
  • liquid spills
  • drops
  • cord splits or breaks

There are no deductibles and coverage is unlimited. Laptop Guard covers issues caused by accidental damage, which is not covered under the manufacturer’s warranty.

Whether you get caught in the rain or trip over your laptop cord, Laptop Guard has you covered.

Contact LaptopGuard@winona.edu to learn more. 

You can choose to purchase Laptop Guard coverage when you pick up your device. The charge for your purchase will be applied directly to your student account.

If you do not sign up right away, you still have 30 days to purchase coverage without inspection.

Laptop Guard can still be purchased at any time after the initial 30-day window. However, you will have to bring your device into Tech Support for an inspection first.

We negotiate pricing every semester based on our current laptop models. Pricing will vary based on laptop model and end of lease refresh date (indicated on sticker on bottom of your laptop).

For financial planning, you can estimate $40 per semester or less.

Yes. As part of eWarrior Digital Life & Learning Program, your device is covered for any manufacturer warranty issues.

Laptop Guard offers additional protection for damage, such as cracked screens and spills, as well as theft, which would not be covered by the warranty.

No, there are no deductibles for theft or damage.

We offer 2 years of coverage for new devices that are received during our Summer or Fall laptop distribution and exchange sessions. Prorated coverage is offered as needed, depending on the model year of your device and/or your graduation term.

Please contact LaptopGuard@winona.edu to determine your coverage length.

Within 30 days of your device pick up, you can receive a full refund as long as you haven’t submitted any damage claims.

After 30 days, but within the first year of coverage, refunds are prorated by semester.

Your coverage will transfer to your new device if it is swapped before your 2-year exchange.

Coverage will end once your equipment is returned and passes our quality assurance inspection.

If damage is found, we cannot cancel and credit your account until a claim is filed and repair work is completed. If a claim has been made which surpasses the purchase price of your coverage, you will not receive a prorated refund.

Credits are prorated by semester and will be applied to your student account.

Come to the Technical Support Center in Somsen 207 (Winona) or Coffman Center 122 (Rochester). We will repair the issue or swap you into another device of the same model and process your Laptop Guard claim at no additional cost to you.

Without Laptop Guard protection, you would be assessed repair fees according to the eWarrior Tech Agreement.

Yes, if you accidentally rip, spill on, or otherwise damage your laptop’s charger cord, you can bring the damaged charger to Tech Support and receive a replacement at no charge.

Yes, if your laptop’s charger is stolen you can get a replacement for free, but you must file a police or Security report and bring a copy to Tech Support.

Loss of a charger is not covered.

File a police report with the laptop’s serial number as soon as possible and bring a full copy of it to Tech Support. If a report isn’t filed within 5 days of the theft, Laptop Guard will not cover the claim.

Laptop Guard covers only incidents of robbery or theft. Your claim will be denied in cases of a mysterious disappearance, loss, or failure to secure your laptop.

Contact Tech Support
Tech Support
Academic Semester


507.457.5240 | Option 1

Phone Support Hours:

  • Monday-Thursday: 7:30am–6pm
  • Friday: 7:30am–4:30pm
  • Sunday: 2–5pm

Walk-In Support:

  • Winona | Somsen 207
  • Rochester | Coffman Center 122

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 7:30am–4:30pm

Tech Support


507.457.5240 | Option 1

Walk-In Support:

  • Winona | Somsen 207
  • Rochester | Coffman Center 122

Phone & Walk-In Support Hours

Monday-Friday: 7:30am–4pm

Tech Support
Winter Break & Spring Break


507.457.5240 | Option 1

Walk-In Support:

  • Winona | Somsen 207
  • Rochester | Coffman Center 122

Phone & Walk-In Support Hours

Monday-Friday: 7:30am–4:30pm

Digital Learning Commons


Just in Time Support: Library 105

  • Monday-Thursday: 7:30am–8pm
  • Friday: 7:30am–5pm
  • Saturday: 10am-5pm
  • Sunday: 1–8pm

During breaks and holidays, the DLC is open during the same hours as Krueger Library.

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