Warrior Success Center
The Warrior Success Center (WSC) provides free and accessible services and resources for student success.
We can assist you with transitioning to college, choosing a major, improving your grades, preparing for the job search, and much more.
If you have a diagnosed disability, we can even help you identify and benefit from necessary accommodations.
Don’t hesitate to contact us, set up an appointment, or stop by Maxwell 314 if you need help.
This is what we do.

Oct. 2 from 10:30am-1pm | Kryzsko Ballroom
Having trouble picking a major, thinking about changing majors, or want to learn more about career opportunities within your major?
During Major & Career Exploration Fair, you can find the information you need:
- Connect with faculty, staff and students covering WSU’s majors, minors, and programs
- Learn about majors and careers best suited for you
- Talk with alumni in your area of interest to learn more about occupations and how to prepare for your dream job

Have tough questions? Feeling overwhelmed? Not sure where to turn?
The Warrior Success Center has one goal—to help you be successful and reach your goals.