Advising Services
At Winona State’s Advising Services, student success is what we do. Take advantage of support services that can be customized to your needs – from exploring career options to improving academic performance.
Whether you are starting college for the first time, transferring to Winona State from another school, returning to college after being away, or getting a jump start on your degree during high school, Advising Services is here to help.
Advising Services also partners with faculty advisors for support resources.
Visit the Warrior Success Center in Maxwell 314 to learn how we can help you.
First-Year Students
Start your college experiences off strong through programs designed to guide through your first year successfully.
If neither of your parents has a four-year college degree, you are considered a first-generation student. At WSU, these students are called First-Gen Warriors.
You probably have many questions, and Advising Services can help.
Current Students
For most students, completing college within four years is a top priority.
Taking full advantage of academic advising can help you select a degree program early. Advising Services can also ensure that you take the right courses at the right time to earn your degree on your schedule.
Registering for classes can be confusing and overwhelming. No need to worry—every student at Winona State has an academic advisor assigned to help.
Follow these step-by-step instructions to select your classes, make the most of your time with your advisor and plan a schedule that is best for you.
Whether you are choosing your degree program for the first time or making a change from your current major, Advising Services in the Warrior Success Center can help.
Explore resources for choosing a major and connect with advisors to help you select a major well suited to your skills, interests, and personality.
Being in good academic standing simply means that you meet or exceed the minimum requirements for grade point average (GPA) and course completion rate.
If you have fallen below the minimum, Advising Services can help you understand your academic status and work with you to improve your success.
If this is the case, meet with an academic advisor to discuss your situation. An advisor can help you learn about strategies and resources to get back on track.
When it comes to academic success, what works for another student may be different than what works for you.
This is why WSU offers a variety of services, resources and course options designed to meet the unique academic needs of each student.
Find the resources that work best for you and boost your academic success.
Drop a Class, Withdraw from a Class, or Change Grade Method
Students who struggle in a class have options to consider. Start by taking advantage of Tutoring Services to help improve your grades.
If your situation does not improve, you could:
- drop a class
- withdraw from a class
- change the grade method
It is important to understand the differences between these options, the deadlines for each and their consequences.
Before making a decision, you should connect with your academic advisor or an advisor in Warrior Success Center to make sure this choice is right for you.
Become a Student Orientation Leader
During Welcome Week, student orientation leaders help incoming first-year students adjust socially and academically to Winona State University.
Student orientation leaders typically work with groups of about 20-30 first-year students to help them get to know one another and learn about campus resources.
About 50 student orientation leaders will be hired for Fall 2025.
PSEO Students
Taking college-level classes as a high school student is a great way to get ahead and save money. Learn more about Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) at WSU including:
- eligibility
- program requirements
- benefits
- application process
Accepted students are emailed an invitation to attend a special PSEO registration day. On this day, you will meet with an academic advisor to select classes that meet your specific high school requirements and work toward a future college degree.
If you plan to study full-time at WSU, consider whether you’d like to attend Welcome Week. It’s a great way to meet potential classmates, get to know campus resources and have a fuller college experience.