Report an Incident

If you choose to report an incident, all information you provide will be handled with discretion as University staff address the issue.

You are not required to complete all the form fields to submit a report. However, the University’s investigation and response may be limited if the report does not contain certain details.

WSU staff will use the information provided to address the complaint. This can include an investigation and contacting the complainant, respondent, and any potential witnesses.

WSU staff treat all information with appropriate discretion for the reported situation. We care about all people and their privacy, and we will keep their information and inquiries confidential whenever possible.

WSU’s Behavioral Assessment & Intervention Team (BAIT) provides support and guidance for faculty, staff, and administrators when “students of concern” emerge in classrooms, residence halls, student activities, performances, and the greater Winona community.

If you’ve noticed a concerning pattern or marked change in a student’s behavior, submit a confidential BAIT Form.

The BAIT Team will follow up on the student’s care needs.

Use the CSA Report Form to report Clery Act crimes (PDF).

This form is intended for Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), but anyone can use this form.

CSAs are responsible for reporting allegations of Clery Act crimes that are reported to them in their capacity as a CSA. They are not responsible for determining whether a crime took place.

Contact the Director of Security at 507.457.5555 if you are not sure whether you are a CSA. In an emergency, call 911.

If you are injured while on campus—no matter how minor—please report the incident. By investigating these reports, we can better identify areas of concern and make safety improvements.

If you are an employee, you must report any work-related injury to your supervisor and to the Human Resources Department for workers compensation.

Student employees must also report any injuries to their supervisors.

If you are not an employee of WSU but are injured while on campus, contact the Legal Affairs office at 507.457.2766.

Submit an I Witness Report if you have information about criminal activity or other concerning incidents or patterns of behavior. You can remain anonymous if you wish.

Keep in mind that if the report is anonymous or lacks necessary detail, this may limit the course of action for WSU staff and law enforcement.

As a member of the WSU community, it is your responsibility to report potential hazards or situations that could adversely affect the health and safety of yourself or others.

You can submit a Work Order directly to Facilities Services to address concerns.

You can also inform your supervisor of the concern or contact the Safety Administrator directly at 507.457.5082 or

Submit a Sexual Violence and Misconduct Report.

WSU is committed to eliminating sexual violence in all forms. In accordance with Title IX federal law, the University:

  • conducts prevention training
  • provides reporting options
  • follows an investigative and disciplinary process
  • will take appropriate action against any individuals found responsible for acts of sexual violence

Acts of sexual violence may also be violations of criminal law, civil law, and other Board Policies that may require separate proceedings.

All students are expected to comply with the Student Conduct Code.

Submit a Student Conduct Report if you believe the conduct code has not been followed.

WSU is obligated to investigate student conduct that:

  • interferes with the rights of others
  • threatens University property
  • interferes with the University’s educational mission

The University also supports local, state, and federal laws.