Research Compliance

To ensure research integrity and protect investigators and participants, WSU complies with federal, state, and university policies governing research and sponsored projects.

Principal Investigators and Project Directors are responsible for complying with a funding organization’s award terms and conditions along with WSU’s policies and requirements.

Policies & Regulations

2-8 Policy for Grants & Sponsored Projects states that all proposals submitted to external agencies, including federal, state, and private funding sources and foundations must be approved before submission. 

Human Subjects

3-7 Policy and Procedures for the Use of Human Subjects in Research (IRB) states that all research involving human subjects must be approved by the WSU Institutional Review Board (IRB) before initiating research activities. 

All students, faculty, and staff must complete the Human Subjects Research Education Module before submitting protocols to the WSU IRB.

WSU Institutional Review Board

Animal Care & Use

3-32 Policy on Research and Teaching Animal Care and Use (IACUC) states that all research or teaching projects involving animals must be approved by the WSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)  before ordering animals and initiating activities.

All students, faculty, and staff must complete training and health screening before submitting protocols to the WSU IACUC.

WSU Institutional Animal Care & Use

Export Control

Federal regulations that govern technology, technical data and assistance, and materials that can be exported, shipped, transferred, transmitted, or shared to non-U.S. persons, entities, or countries. 

Determine if an external proposal must comply with export regulations.

Research Misconduct

3-27 Policy on Allegations of Research Misconduct establishes the procedures for investigating allegations of research misconduct.

Forms & Modules

Institutional Review Board

The WSU Institutional Review Board (IRB) facilitates research involving human subjects conducted by WSU faculty, staff, and students, while protecting subjects’ rights and welfare during their participation.

IRB processes are based on federal, state, local, and WSU regulations and policies

The IRB upholds two broad standards:

  • Human subjects are not placed at undue risk
  • Human subjects are un-coerced and provided with informed consent to participate

Faculty members from various disciplines, plus a community representative and prisoner advocate, make up the WSU IRB.

The IRB co-chairs are Drs. Amanda Brouwer, Justin Geijer, and Alexandru Stana. The Human Protections Administrator is Tyler Treptow-Bowman.

IRB Approval for Research Studies

All scholarship and research involving human subjects must be approved by the IRB before research activities begin.

  • Does your study involve human subjects? Human subjects are living individuals about whom an investigator obtains information or specimens through intervention or interaction and uses, studies, or analyzes the information or bio-specimens.
  • Does your study meet the definition of research? Research a “systematic investigations, including development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge”. 

All studies involving human subjects with the intent or possibility of publication or dissemination of results outside the classroom must also receive IRB approval.

Unsure if your study involves human subjects research and needs IRB approval? Contact Tyler Treptow-Bowman at for guidance.

IRB Review Process

Review the following IRB process steps.

Principal Investigators must notify the IRB of any modifications in the protocol, changes in the treatment of human subjects, unanticipated problems, or unexpected harm to subjects, using the Continuing Review/Progress Report (PDF). 

The first thing you need to do is complete the mandatory human subjects training.

Winona State faculty, staff, and graduate degree-seeking and certificate students submitting to the IRB must complete a CITI Human Subjects Research (HSR) module.

There are different modules depending on the type of research you are conducting. Most scholarship and research submitted to the IRB requires completion of the Social & Behavioral Research course modules.

View CITI Module Instructions (PDF).

Winona State undergraduate students submitting to the IRB must complete the D2L Human Subjects Education Module (HSEM).

View D2L Human Subjects Education Module (HSEM) Instructions (PDF).

All human subjects research must be approved by IRB (PDF) before the study may begin.

Using U.S. Department of Health & Human Services guidelines, figure out the level of IRB review for your study.

Depending on risk and subject demographic, research protocols will fall into one of three review categories:

  • exempt
  • expedited
  • full board review

Register in IRBNet which is used to manage package submission and review.

Follow the IRBNet Guidelines (PDF) or watch the IRBNet Submission Process video.

Gather all the documentation needed for review and complete your protocol package.

Review the IRB Protocol Package Checklist (PDF).

The Human Protections Administrator will screen your protocol package and notify you if anything is missing.

It will be forwarded for review after the screening. You will then be notified when the review is complete, typically within 5 working days.

Follow the instructions for researcher responsibilities, required modifications, and reporting requirements outlined in your decision letter in IRBNet.

Institutional Animal Care & Use

The WSU Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) oversees care and use of animals used in teaching and research in accordance with WSU’s Animal Welfare Assurance (PDF) through the National Institute of Health Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW). 

The IACUC reviews animal use protocols, ensures compliance with university and federal policies and regulations, conducts semi-annual program review and inspection of animal research facilities, and coordinates animal training and education programs.

The IACUC Chair is Dr. Amy Runck and the Institutional Official is Dr. Darrell Newton, Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs.

IACUC Approval for Research Studies

All research, research training (including teaching), experimentation, biological testing, and related activities (including classroom demonstrations) involving live, vertebrate animals housed in campus facilities or animals in or from the wild are required to be approved by the IACUC before activities begin.

Per WSU’s assurance, investigators may conduct research and teaching activities only with laboratory-bred rats and mice, birds, and lower vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles).

IACUC Review Process

The IACUC requires use of the IRBNet “smart” protocol form to submit studies for review.

Principal investigators planning to conduct research or teaching activities involving animals must submit a protocol to the IRBNet electronic submission system.

Refer to the IACUC Protocol Form Instructions (PDF).

Senior investigators must complete the CITI Laboratory Animal Research training module.

This is a basic course plus a species-specific course that fits the species of research or teaching.

View CITI Module Instructions (PDF).

Student investigators must complete the WSU IACUC Animal Care & Use Education Module.

If this is your first time taking the course, select the Self Registration link on the D2L Brightspace homepage:

  1. Choose the IACUC Animal Care & Use Module
  2. Select the option to “Register”

All investigators working with animals must complete the Health Screening Questionnaire (DOCX), which will be reviewed by an independent occupational health professional.

Contact Us

Grants & Sponsored Projects
Email Grants & Sponsored Projects
Tyler Treptow-Bowman
Human Protections Administrator
Email Tyler Treptow-Bowman
Dr. Amy Runck
Email Amy Runck
Dr. Amanda Brouwer
IRB Co-Chair
Email Amanda Brouwer
Dr. Justin Geijer
IRB Co-Chair
Email Justin Geijer
Dr. Alexandru Stana
IRB Co-Chair
Email Alexandru Stana