Business Office
The staff in the Business Office coordinates a variety of business needs for WSU and provides guidelines, information, and instructions to employees.
The accounting team will help you process vendor payments and chargebacks.
They will also work with you to set up grant accounts and manage fixed assets on behalf of the university.
Learn more about different accounts.
The contract administrators are responsible for executing contracts such as professional or technical contracts, joint powers, and inter-agency agreements.
Learn more about contracts.
There are several ways to make purchases with department funds.
Learn more about making different types of purchases.
Email with questions.
Student Accounts
Questions about your student account or tuition bill?
Contact Student Account Services at 507.457.5076, email, or stop by the Warrior Hub in Maxwell 222.
Student Payroll
If you are a student employee, learn more about getting paid through the student payroll processes.
If you are supervising a student employee or looking to hire one, see the Supervisor Toolkit for additional resources.
For questions on student payroll, email
If you are a student or employee planning an upcoming trip, learn more about the travel process and procedures.