Facilities Services
Facilities Services maintains and improves more than 35 buildings that make up Winona State University’s campus.
Not only do we manage buildings, but also landscaping, electricity, motor vehicles, and more.
We’re proud of our efforts to meet the needs of this vibrant campus. We manage everything from a fleet of 60 state vehicles to thousands of pieces of mail to generation and distribution of 170,000,000 kBTUs of energy.
Sustainability is a core, university-wide commitment at WSU. From our continued focus on resource stewardship to our sustainability minor to our student led Green Action Projects, WSU strives to be green in every way possible. In addition, we have led the initiative to plant at least one of all Minnesota tree species on campus and are caretakers of 95 campus gardens.
We would like to recognize and acknowledge that Winona State University is situated on the ancestral lands of the Dakota people. We acknowledge and honor the Dakota Nations and the sacred land of all indigenous peoples.
The WSU Facilities department works hard to keep campus looking beautiful and functioning well.
The Main Office can help you with a variety of tasks such as:
- Work Order Requests
- Motor Pool Services
- Building Key Checkouts
- Budget Administrative Services
- Work Reception and Customer Service

The Physical Plant houses a variety of services, including building maintenance, freight receiving & deliveries, the mail room, and the utility plant.
Mail Room, Freight Receiving, & Deliveries
Located in Facilities Services Building 101, the Mail Room coordinates on-campus delivery of mail and packages and outgoing shipping through Fed Ex, UPS, and US Mail.
For questions about freight deliveries, call 507.457.5049. Loading dock hours are from 7am-3:30pm Monday-Friday year-round.
WSU Mail & Shipping Addresses
U.S. Mail: P.O. Box 5838, Winona, MN 55987
Packages & Freight: 175 West Mark Street, Winona, MN 55987
Resident Hall Student Mail & Shipping Addresses
Each residence hall has a mailing address for student mail and packages.
In the summer, mail and packages are delivered directly to the Housing Office in Kryzsko Commons.
General Maintenance Workers (GMWs) help maintain a clean and safe environment with:
- Routine daily cleaning of buildings
- Recycling and trash collection
- Residence hall room setup
- Opening and closing of academic buildings entrances
- Setup and teardown for special events
They also work on litter and trash control as well as snow and ice removal.

WSU Bicycle Policy
Use the bike racks provided on campus to secure your bikes.
Bikes locked to anything other than a bike rack will be locked with a chain from Facilities Services. If you find your bike locked, you will need to go to the Facilities Services office with your photo ID.
Facilities Services will not cut personal bike locks due to liability issues.
The Planning and Construction division coordinates efforts to provide professional planning and construction services that guide all physical developments of the campus.
Current Projects
Reach out if you have any questions, or just want to know more about our services.