Counseling Services Resources for Families

During college, your student is going through a time of significant change and deep personal growth. The challenges that come with the college experience can take a toll on students’ mental health. 

Like all the other student support services, Counseling Services is here to help students succeed at WSU.

Our professional staff offers mental health services for current WSU and MN State Southeast students including: 

  • individual counseling
  • crisis counseling
  • events and programs
  • referrals to outside agencies

We are designed to provide short-term, solution-focused counseling to offer services to as many students as possible. 

For students who need additional services, we can help refer them to a community partner that best fits their needs. 

Some examples of when a referral is most appropriate are:

  • Students may require weekly appointments throughout the year
  • Students require a specific type of therapy not practiced by our staff
  • Students were receiving long-term, consistent therapy before coming to WSU

When a student is on medication or interested in discussing medication as an option, we typically refer them to WSU Health Services where they will meet with one of our medical providers.

How You Can Support Your Student

Encourage your student to call or email us to schedule an appointment. Your student knows their schedule and will be more likely to attend the appointment when they schedule it.

It’s important to remember your student has the independence to decide what campus resources they want to take advantage of. 

If your student is reluctant to seek counseling, here are some strategies to try: 

  • Explain to your child why you are recommending counseling: “I’ve seen/heard … and I’m concerned”
  • Remind them counseling is confidential, not a part of their academic record, and is used by many students for a wide variety of reasons
  • Suggest that they commit to one session and then decide if they want to continue
  • Remind them that resilient and successful college students generally use the wide variety of resources available to them

However, you must remember that it is your student’s decision. Students make the most progress in counseling when they want to be there.

You’ve done your part by expressing your concern and giving them the resource and your support.

What do I do if my college student is in distress?

Parents should keep in touch with their students to be aware of significant changes in their:

  • academic performance (skipping class, poor grades, lack of motivation)
  • behavior (personal hygiene, mood, sleep, or appetite)
  • stressful situations (death of someone close, unwanted break-ups, social isolation)

If you notice changes, tell them the changes you’ve noticed, express your concern, and then provide them with our information.

Here’s a step-by-step guide about how to help someone in distress.

References to suicide need immediate attention. Find local and 24/7 emergency resources.  

Confidentiality & Student Records

The Counseling Services staff is legally and ethically bound by rules of confidentiality. Counseling records are separate from all other records on campus. Professors and other staff do not have access to counseling records.

We cannot confirm if your student is coming to counseling or give you any information about individual sessions without your student’s written permission. 

We often receive phone calls from concerned parents. We understand your desire for information, but confidentiality is an essential part of the counseling process. 

Even though confidentiality limits us from giving you information about your specific student, we can listen and provide general problem-solving advice.

Contact Counseling Services
Counseling Services


Integrated Wellness Center Complex 222

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Academic Year Hours


Monday-Friday: 8am-4:30pm


Monday-Friday: 8am-4:30pm (may be flexible)


Crisis Appointments:

Monday-Friday: 12-4pm


Relaxation Room

  • Monday-Wednesday: 9am-2pm
  • Thursday 11am-2pm
Summer Hours

May & June Appointments

Monday-Friday: 8am-4pm


July Appointments 

Monday-Wednesday: 8am-4pm