Counseling Services
College can be tough on your mental health. WSU Counseling Services is here to help you be successful in both your personal life and academic life.
Students can take advantage of both in-person and telecounseling appointments at WSU Counseling Services.
Learn about mental health services offered throughout the semester.
You can also explore online resources to help you cope with stress and anxiety as well as practice meditation and build resilience skills.
Counseling Services also supports faculty and staff by providing consultations and group trainings.
To schedule a confidential appointment
- Call 507.457.5330
- Email counselingservices@winona.edu
Please let us know ahead of time if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment.

Email peersupport@winona.edu to set up a meeting.
Learn about the Peer to Peer Program
If you need help right away, contact one of these emergency resources.
With a variety of events during the semester, you can find support and learn more about mental health.
Find WSU Health Services on Instagram or follow on Facebook for more information about wellness tips and upcoming events.
WSU Active Minds is a student-run organization aimed at promoting mental health awareness, education, and advocacy.
Learn more about student clubs & organizations.
If you have experienced the death of a significant person in your life, you may benefit from joining a grief group.
Each semester, we offer a 6-week grief group where students can talk about their loss in a small, confidential group setting.
Space is limited, so pre-registration is required.
Contact Counseling Services at counselingservices@winona.edu for more information
Students miss their pets and interacting with one of the therapy dogs can help relieve stress!
Pet a Therapy Dog sessions are offered each semester where students can drop by to get some puppy love.
Watch digital signs across campus for dates and times.
If you know someone who is struggling, here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can help.
Find emergency resources for veterans, people of color, people who identify as LGBTQ, and more.

If you have a question or concern about a specific student or situation, we can provide a brief consultation.
We can also give you more information on the counseling process.
Due to confidentiality, Counseling Services staff cannot share any information about specific students.
However, we can listen and address general questions.

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