Student Academic Integrity Policy

Absolute integrity is expected of every Winona State University student in all academic undertakings. 

Integrity means closely adhering to a set of values. The values most essential to an academic community are grounded on the concept of honesty with respect to the intellectual efforts of oneself and others. 

Academic integrity is expected not only in formal coursework situations, but in all University relationships and interactions connected to the educational process, including the use of University resources. 

While both students and faculty of WSU assume the responsibility of maintaining and furthering these values, this information is specific to the academic conduct of students.

A WSU student’s submission of work for academic credit indicates that the work is the student’s own. All outside assistance should be acknowledged, and the student’s academic position truthfully reported at all times. 

In addition, WSU students have a right to expect academic integrity from each of their peers.

Academic Integrity Reporting Form
Policy Violations

Academic Integrity at WSU is based on honesty. The University requires that work produced by students represents their personal efforts and requires that they properly acknowledge the intellectual contributions of others.

WSU students are required to adhere to the University’s standards of academic integrity.  

Examples of Violations


Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials in any academic exercise or having someone else do work for you.

Examples of cheating include looking at another student’s work, bringing an unauthorized “crib sheet” to a test, obtaining a copy of a test prior to the test date, or submitting homework borrowed from another student.

Deception & Misrepresentation

Lying about or misrepresenting your work, academic records, or credentials.

Examples of deception and misrepresentation include forging signatures, falsifying application credentials or transcripts, and misrepresenting group participation.

Enabling Academic Dishonesty

Helping someone else to commit an act of academic dishonesty.

This would include giving someone else an academic assignment with the intent of allowing that person to copy it or allowing someone else to cheat from your test papers, quizzes, assessments, or other course materials.


Refers to inventing or falsifying information.

Examples of fabrication include inventing data for an experiment you did not do or did not do correctly or making references to sources you did not use in academic assignments.

Multiple Submissions

Submitting work you have done in previous classes as if it were new and original work.

While faculty may be willing to let you use previous work as the basis of new work, they expect you to do new work for the class.

If you want to submit a piece of work to more than one class, ask for permission from both instructors.


Using the words or ideas of another writer without proper acknowledgment, so that they seem as if they are your own.

Plagiarism includes behavior such as copying someone else’s work word for word, rewriting someone else’s work with only minor word changes, and/or summarizing someone else’s work without acknowledging the source.

Consequences for Academic Violations

Consequences for academic violations are most often addressed by the instructor and the student at the time of the violation. The instructor’s determination is final unless appealed to the dean of the college.

Possible consequences at the discretion of:

  • Faculty: Re-do the exam or assignment, award a lower or failing grade on an assignment and/or the course, or allow the student to withdraw from the course.
  • Department: Dismissal from a program or major
  • Dean: Administrative withdrawal of the student from a course after consultation with the instructor
  • Vice President for Student Life and Development: Disciplinary probation or suspension

There may be circumstances where the Dean of the College, in collaboration with the WSU Director of Student Conduct and Citizenship, will determine that the case will be heard as a student conduct issue.

Students found culpable of a violation(s) will face disciplinary consequences as defined in the Student Conduct Code. 

Student Rights & Appeals

If a student is accused of violating academic policy, they are entitled to a set of rights to ensure a fair case.

In addition, students can submit an appeal to the party that accused them of violating academic policy.

Student rights include:

  • Oral or written notice of the charges from the faculty member is required even though an immediate consequence may be imposed.
  • An explanation of the evidence against the student. Evidence may be physical or in the form of witnesses or observers.
  • An opportunity for the student to present their side of the story
  • Notice of the decision(s)
  • An opportunity to appeal the decision(s)

How to Submit an Appeal

Dr. Denise McDowell
Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Life

Maxwell Hall 225

Email Dr. McDowell
Sarah Olcott
Director of Housing & Residence Life

Kryzsko Commons 230

Email Sarah Olcott