Art & Design Program Admission

Each Art & Design program has specific admission procedures. Department faculty work closely with students to guide them through the admission process and ensure their success. 

Graphic Design & I-Design

Students should declare their major in Graphic Design or I-Design upon entering WSU. 

At the end of their first year in the program, all Design students must complete an application for admission. 

Students must complete a few other requirements in addition to the application.

  • Complete ART 118 (Foundational Drawing), ART 150 (Digital Design Fundamentals), and ART 243 (Typography and Information design) with a grade of B or above
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above
  • Submit an application portfolio of your work to faculty

Application Portfolio

You will be given detailed instructions on preparing a portfolio for the application process during your first year. 

Your portfolio will include examples of work, faculty evaluations and more. 

  • 8-10 examples of your most recent work
  • The Design Program Application Form
  • A brief personal statement detailing your progress and your goals
  • An unofficial transcript
  • 2 evaluations from faculty who have taught you

Art Teaching

Students should declare Art Teaching as their major when they register for courses prior to arriving at Winona State. 

As the Art Teaching degree is offered with the College of Education, students will take Professional Education Sequence courses during their final two years. 

Before taking their Professional Education Sequence, students must be admitted to the Teacher Education Unit which has additional admission requirements. 

Art Teaching students usually take SPED 300 (Children and Youth with Exceptionalities) to meet the requirement to complete 15 hours of clinical experience. 

Studio Art

There is no formal admissions process for the Studio Art degree. Students should declare Studio Art (ARTS) as their major when they register for courses prior to arriving at Winona State. 

If you are changing your major to Studio Art, simply fill out the Major/Minor Declaration Form.

History of Art & Studio Art Minors

There are no formal admissions process for our two minor degrees. 

To add either to your study program, simply complete the Major/Minor Declaration Form.

Contact the Art & Design Department
Art & Design Department
Watkins Hall 204

Office Hours

Monday – Friday: 8am-4pm

Adrian Barr (PhD)
Department Chairperson

Watkins 204E


Email Adrian Barr
Meghan Guernica
Office Manager
Email Meghan Guernica