Supervisors need a variety of resources, tools, and guidance to complete the responsibilities of their role.
Let us know if you have feedback these resources or have suggestions for other items and documents to be included.
Annual Performance Evaluations
Employee performance evaluations are a key component to employee performance and development. Annual performance evaluations provide the employees and supervisor an opportunity to discuss job performance, set goals, and discuss expectations and accomplishments.
Minnesota State Board Policy 4.9 and MMB Administrative Procedure 20 (PDF) require employee performance evaluations occur once per year. Additionally, collective bargaining agreement and personnel plans covering employees includes a provision relating to annual performance evaluations.
Evaluation Resources
Here’s how to make sure that performance evaluations are beneficial for both supervisors and employees.
- ASF Evaluation & Development Plan Form (PDF)
- Classified Staff Performance Evaluation Form (PDF)
- Classified Staff Performance Evaluation FAQs (PDF)
- Use the comment sections
- Base your responses on the performance over the entire past year
- Schedule a time in advance, in a quiet and private location
- Give the employee a copy of the evaluation to review before the meeting
- Welcome your employee
- Compare the performance results and behaviors to the objectives
- Summarize the session
- If the employee wants to provide a written response following the meeting, set a timeframe so you can attach it to the evaluation prior to the submission to your supervisor
- Sign the evaluation
- Secure your supervisor’s signature (class
- Secure the employee’s signature. An employee signing the evaluation does not mean they agree with the evaluation, only that the evaluation has been shared with them
- Provide a signed copy of the evaluation for the employee
- Explain that the signed original will be sent to Human Resources for placement in their personnel file
- Submit the original signed evaluation to the Human Resources Office (Somsen 114)
- Keep a copy for your files
Position Descriptions
Position descriptions serve as the official record of duties and responsibilities assigned to a position. A position description is essential to set clear job expectations, assist supervisors and employees with setting goals and objectives, and manage job performance.
A position description is required for each classified and ASF position that exists at the university. It is created by the department and audited by Minnesota State when a new position is established. Whenever an existing position has changed the position description will be updated and audited again by Minnesota State is the changes are significant.
Classified Positions
Follow these steps to assign new classified positions to a classification or to review and potentially change the classification of existing positions:
- Consult with Human Resources
- Prepare a Supervisor Cover Memo
- Prepare an updated Organization Chart
- Update the Position Description and obtain signatures
- Submit a Request for Job Audit Form with the Supervisor Cover Memo, Organizational Chart and Position Description attached
- When a Request for Job Audit form reaches Human Resources, it will be assigned to a team member who will be in touch regarding next steps
Additional resources for this process are available in the WSU Job Audit Guide.
MSUAASF (ASF) Positions
Follow these steps to assign new ASF positions to a salary range or to review and potentially change the salary range of existing positions:
- Consult with Human Resources
- Prepare a Supervisor Cover Memo
- Prepare an updated Organization Chart
- Update the Position Description and obtain signatures
- Submit a Request for Job Audit form with the Supervisor Cover Memo, Organizational Chart and Position Description attached
- When a Request for Job Audit form reaches Human Resources, it will be assigned to a team member who will be in touch regarding next steps
Additional resources for this process include:
- Checklist for ASF Range Assignment/Reassignment (PDF)
- ASF Position Description template (DOCX)
- ASF Position Description example language (PDF)
- Supervisor Memo examples (PDF)
- Organizational Chart template (PPTX)
- ASF Position Allocation Matrix (PDF)
Forms & Resources
- ASF Additional Assignment/Honorarium Worksheet (PDF)
- ASF/Admin Assignment Request Form
- ASF Fixed Term Appointment Extension (PDF)
- Calendars: Academic, Holiday, Overload, Payroll Calendars & more
- Classified Work Hour / Cost Center Change
- Faculty & Staff Payroll and Time and Leave Reporting
- FWM: Faculty Workload Management (Minnesota State Employee Home)
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Nursing Mothers’ Support
- Workers’ Compensation – Forms, Step-by-Step Instructions & more
- The Compass Blog – a monthly blog for WSU supervisors
- Training & Development