Sports Clubs
Students can join sports-related clubs and teams such as fencing, martial arts, table tennis, rugby, ultimate frisbee, and more at WSU.
Sports clubs are student-run organizations for those who have a passion for a particular sport or who want to learn a new sport. Our program emphasizes leadership, education and service through participation in sports.
Review the Sports Club Handbook (PDF) to learn about rules, eligibility, and general sports club information.
See all the official sports clubs.
Join a Sports Club
If you decide to join a sports club, you must complete a Sports Club Player or Volunteer Indemnification & Waiver each academic year. This includes volunteers for coaching, helping, training, assisting, or any other purpose.
Contact Lori Mikl at to complete this form for all club members, volunteers, coaches, and trainers.
Whether on campus or out-and-about, students participating in sports club related activities and/or travel must always adhere to the WSU Student Code of Conduct.
We are proud of our Warrior Sports Clubs and want to continue exhibiting exceptional sportsmanship and responsibility for self and others wherever we go.
Student clubs must complete a Student Event and Activity Registration Form before any activities are planned or space is reserved. After your activity or event has been approved by your advisor and the Associate Director of Fitness & Wellness, you can request space on campus.
Priority for campus spaces is granted by:
- Academics
- Athletics
- Intramurals
- Student clubs, teams, and organizations
- Other community groups
If a space request is approved, the WSU student who reserved the space must have their WSU Student ID for the duration of the reservation. Student ID may be requested by WSU Security, Athletics or General Maintenance staff.
View the Student Clubs Facilities Handbook (PDF) for more information.
Use the EMS System to request space on campus.
EMS requests may be denied, so be sure to follow up with the appropriate approvers.
Email Breana Larsen at to confirm receipt of reservation request.
Then also email the person who approves requests:
- Athletics facilities: Breana Larsen at
- Kryzsko Commons: Stephanie Stango at
- Other Areas: WSU Facilities at
Once you have confirmation of your reservation, then you can move forward planning your event, practice, or game.
Learn more about room reservations if you’re scheduling a team meeting.
Working with community partners is essential for finding places to play and practice.
When clubs/teams want to use outdoor or indoor spaces owned/maintained by community partners like the City of Winona, Winona Area Public Schools, the City of Goodview, and Winona Cotter Schools, they must initiate a contract with WSU Legal Affairs.
Sports Club Travel
Director of Travel Julie Erickson can help club teams prepare for travel and follow the travel processes you’ll need to know in planning your trip.
WSU students can reserve vehicles from the WSU Motor Pool.
Students must complete the Clery Act Student Travel Form within 5 days of return from student club travel.
Students must also provide receipts for reimbursement within 5 days of return to campus.
Trip Indemnification & Waiver
Every participant must complete the Trip Indemnification & Waiver for every trip they attend.
If you go on 3 different trips with 3 different clubs, you must complete 3 different forms. If you go on 4 different trips with the same club, you must complete 4 different forms.
Contact Lori Mikl at to complete this form for all club members.
Student club/team leaders and their advisors are responsible for managing and planning their annual budgets. The Business Office has plenty of people who can provide information about how to make purchases and check your current balances.
Requests for reimbursements can be completed online in Warrior Space under “Forms I Can Submit.”
There are several types of club accounts for sports clubs and teams. Email Melissa Soppa at for help figuring out how and when to spend funds from different accounts.
Sports clubs can also have accounts for fundraising money with the WSU. Email Phil Sonnenberg at for information on your club’s foundation account or if you want to open an account.
Sports Club Council Teams
Sports Club Council Teams should submit the Request for Additional Funds online form if they would like to move up a tier or need additional funds for an exceptional reason during the season of play.
Sports Club Council teams should submit the Post-season Funds Request to request funds for post-season play at regional, national, or international intercollegiate competitions.
This form will begin the process of getting a full Sports Club Council meeting set to discuss the allocation of post-season funds.
Sports Club Council teams should submit the Required Annual Report form by the Friday of Finals Week every May.
Student clubs and teams need contracts for a variety of reasons from use of facilities and spaces to trainings and education. All contracts must be initiated from our Legal Analyst in WSU Legal Affairs.
Do not sign any contracts yourself.
Student clubs/teams should complete a Contract Request Form to initiate a contract with the Legal Affairs Office.
Contact Lori Mikl at to complete this form at least 1 month before you need to use the service or facility.
ASO & Maintaining Club Status
The Alliance of Student Organizations is the organization that oversees all clubs officially recognized by Student Senate.
ASO organizes the mandatory club fairs and sets regular required meetings for all clubs—including sports clubs.
Learn how to maintain your official club status.
Sports Club Rosters
Sports Clubs should submit their Sports Club Roster to ASO and Director of Integrated Wellness at the beginning of each season of play.
Clubs that have a solid history, including three consecutive years of demonstrated fiscal solvency, fundraising, and competitive history can apply to be a part of the Sports Club Council.
All clubs/teams affiliated with the Sports Club Council have increased expectations and requirements. They also have a vote in all Sports Club Council issues and fund allocations.
The mission of the Sports Club Council is to facilitate communication, provide leadership and training, allocation of funds, and guidance to Sports Club Council affiliated teams/clubs.
View the Sports Club Council Constitution (PDF) for details about:
- Membership and annual requirements
- Executive committee and representatives
- Elections and voting
- The tier system and budget
- Use of facilities/space on and off campus
Apply to Sports Club Council
Use the Application to Sports Club Council form if you are interested in applying to become a Sports Club Council-affiliated team.
This form is due by the second Friday in November for consideration during the following academic year. For example, it’s due in November 2023 for Sports Club Council Affiliation during Aug 2024-May 2025 school year.
If you are a new leader in your sports club, email Gunnar Mach at to add your email address to the Sports Club Council email list.
It is your responsibility to make sure you are getting the emails about the time and location of required meetings and other important information.
Sports club advisors are volunteer faculty or staff members who have agreed to provide leadership, accountability, and support to student clubs and organizations. They are club advocates and connection to the University.
To become a club advisor, please complete and return the WSU Club Organization Advisor Agreement form (PDF) to WSU Student Senate.
Club advisors are required to sign off on every 1400 form, Travel Request form, and any other official WSU form on behalf of their clubs.
With their signature, faculty/staff advisors take on a degree of liability. It is important for club leaders to communicate regularly with their advisors so everyone is on the same page with regards to issues of finance, travel, and conduct.
Club advisors are the official supervisors of any volunteers working with sports clubs, so it is important that they are made aware of volunteers.
Communicate with Lori Mikl at to ensure all volunteers have completed the Sports Club Volunteer Indemnification and Waiver (PDF).
By accessing Minnesota State Accounting, advisors can use club cost center numbers to access current balances and encumbrances.
Advisors can also work with the Business Office and the Finance Office to help clubs/teams understand their finances.